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Moksleiviai savaitei išsibandys studentiškus batus

Students will try on student shoes for a week

Students from schools all over Lithuania will have the opportunity to try on student shoes for a week at Vytautas the Great University (VDU). From February 19 to 23, during the "Students, be a student!" (MPS) project, students in grades 10-12 will try out student life, their desired study program and university. In the project, students from various Lithuanian schools will get to know VMU's study subjects, teachers, university environment and student organizations. In 5…

Studijos ir darbas. Ar tai suderinama?

Studies and work. Is it compatible?

How to balance work with studies? Many students, both those in their final year and those who are just trying to get used to university life, think about it. What motivates you to look for a job during your studies? Finance. Many young people are troubled by the thought of how to help their family, pay for their living, and some consider how to support themselves by living alone, without depending on anyone else...

Streso valdymas ir laiko planavimas

Stress management and time management

The art of stress management and effective time planning in today's world, which is full of responsibilities and demands, has become an essential skill for a student who aims to smoothly overcome the study period. While the hustle and bustle of everyday life can seem overwhelming, the advice of experienced professionals can be helpful in overcoming these challenges. In this article, we will share the tips and deep insights of Evelina Savickaitė - Kazlauskė. The priority should be…

VDU Studentų parlamentas rinksis į pirmąjį šios kadencijos posėdį

VDU Student Parliament will meet for the first session of this term

November 16 6 p.m. The Student Parliament of Vytautas the Great University (VDU) will meet for the first meeting of this term, during which the new president of the Student Parliament will be elected. Meeting agenda: 1. Registration of participants. 2. Opening of the meeting of the VMU Student Parliament. 3. Election of the chairman of the VMU Student Parliament meeting. 4. Elections of the secretary of the VMU Student Parliament meeting. 5. Approval of the agenda. 6. VMU...

Išrinktas 2023-2024 m. parlamentas

Elected for 2023-2024 parliament

Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) students elected representatives of their faculties to the VDU Student Parliament. 42 students applied to participate in the elections, 41 of them were elected to represent the students of their faculty. Although technical problems were encountered at the beginning of the elections, everything was resolved, thus ensuring that everyone could vote for the student representatives. This year, the most active were Arts...

Tapk egzaminų stebėtoju!

Become an exam observer!

Academic integrity is one of the most common phrases we hear around the time of reckoning. It is at the time of settlement that VDU Student Representation (VDU SA) organizes examination observations, in which YOU can also become an observer! Academic integrity is an integral part of university student ethics as it guarantees a fair and honest educational process. Every student seeks knowledge in pursuit of higher education, so being academically dishonest only themselves...

Ginčų nagrinėjimo komisija – kas tai?

Dispute settlement commission - what is it?

Did you know that if you do not agree with the assessment of study results and/or settlement procedures, you can submit appeals, which are examined by the dispute resolution commission? Various disputes or disagreements may arise both from the side of the student or listener, and from the teacher or employee. In order to ensure the correct dispute resolution process and the adopted decision, the university has a dispute resolution commission (GNK). Vytautas the Great University dispute settlement...

Prasideda VDU Studentų parlamento rinkimai: kandidatuoti gali kiekvienas! 

VDU Student Parliament elections are starting: everyone can run for office! 

Students who wish to represent students of their faculty in the Student Parliament of Vytautas the Great University until October 25. At 11:59 p.m., an application for candidacy and a motivation letter must be submitted by e-mail to What is the VMU Student Parliament? The VMU Student Parliament is the highest governing body of students, consisting of representatives from academic departments elected by students of all study levels. Parliament resolves issues raised by student representatives...

Parlamentarai rinkosi į paskutinį šios kadencijos posėdį

Parliamentarians gathered for the last meeting of this term

September 28 Members of the Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Sudenti Parliament gathered for the last parliamentary session of this term. The parliamentarians were presented with the results of the study on the improvement of the parliament's activities and the projects for changing the documents of the VMU Student Representation (SA). Elected members of the senate and member of the VDU SA Board. After the meeting started and the agenda was approved, Monika Ražauskaitė, the chairperson of the VMU Student Parliament, presented the board's...

Parlamentarai rinksis į paskutinį posėdį

Parliamentarians will gather for the last meeting

September 28 6 p.m. The Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Student Parliament will hold its last meeting of this term, during which a new member will be elected to the VDU Student Representation (SA) board, as well as 2 new members to the VDU Senate. The board is a strategic advisory management body of VDU SA, which approves the annual plan of the representative office, determines the strategic directions of the organization and...