Author: Karolis Katilius

The meeting of the VDU Student Parliament will be held tomorrow

May 23 6 p.m. The Student Parliament of the Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) will gather for a meeting, during which the suspension of members and the question of the efficiency of the parliament will be discussed. Agenda of the meeting: 1.Registration of meeting participants 2.Opening of the meeting of the VDU Student Parliament 3.Election of the secretary of the meeting of the VDU Student Parliament 4.Approval of the agenda of the meeting 5.Expulsion of members of the VMU Student Parliament from the Student Parliament 6.Discussion on...

Prisidėk prie akademinio sąžiningumo užtikrinimo 

Contribute to academic integrity 

Academic honesty is one of the greatest values in the academic community. The VDU Student Representation (VDU SA) organizes examination observations during the exam session, in which all interested students can become observers. Academic integrity is a widely debated topic in higher education. Not every student understands the importance and benefits of being academically honest. "When we come to higher education, we aim to gain knowledge in our field. Signing off at checkout…

VDU Studentų parlamentas rinksis į posėdį

The VMU Student Parliament will gather for a meeting

April 25 at 7 p.m. The Student Parliament of Vytautas the Great University (VDU) will gather for a meeting, during which the organization's new work regulations will be discussed and considered. Agenda of the meeting: The VMU Student Parliament is the highest student governing body, which consists of representatives elected by students from faculties and academies and all study levels. The problems raised by student representatives are resolved in the parliament and debated...

Pavasario festivalis’24: patirk intelekto renesansą!

Spring Festival'24: experience the intellectual renaissance!

From May 13 to 17, the Vytautas the Great University Student Representative Office (VDU SA) in Kaunas is organizing the 23rd annual Spring Festival event: experience the intellectual renaissance! Today we are in a situation where the concept of intelligence takes on a different meaning. The slogan of this year's festival symbolizes a revolution and rebirth in another form of artificial intelligence. During the festival, you will be able to experience this by visiting an artistic installation, participating in orienteering competitions, discussions, and...

The president of VDU SA, Board and Audit was elected

On March 7, the report-election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VDU SA) took place. During it, annual activity, financial, Audit and Board reports of VDU SA were presented. A new VDU SA Board, Audit Commission was elected, Emilija Drabužinskaitė, a bachelor student of the Faculty of Social Sciences, was elected as the president of VDU SA for the second term. At the beginning of the conference, the president of VDU SA, Emilija Drabužinskaitė, presented the annual activities...

We managed to agree on a more convenient connection with the Academy campus

For many years, the VMU community studying, living and working in the Academy campus has been troubled by the problem of public transport with the city of Kaunas. The main challenge faced by the members of the VDU community is the infrequent running of bus route 18, which is one of the main routes to connect with the Kaunas city center. In October, the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VDU SA) initiated...

March 7 the head(s) of VDU SA and management bodies - VDU Student Representation will be elected

March 7 11 o'clock the report-election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VDU SA) will be held. During it, the annual activity and financial report of VDU SA will be presented, and the elections of the president, board and audit commission of VDU SA will be held. The board is a strategic advisory management body of the Student Representative Office of Vytautas the Great University (VDU SA), which approves the annual plan of the representative office, determines...

Norą užimti VDU SA prezidento pareigas išreiškė viena studentė

One student expressed her desire to take the position of VDU SA president

On March 7, the Student Parliament of Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) will gather for the VDU Student Representative (SA) alternate-election conference, during which the VDU SA president will be elected. The request to run for this position was submitted by one candidate - Emilija Drabužinskaitė, a bachelor's student of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the current president of VDU SA. The candidate who expressed her desire to take up the position this year is a fourth-year psychology...

VDU Studentų parlamentas šiandien renkasi į posėdį

The VMU Student Parliament is meeting today

February 8 at 5 p.m. The Student Parliament of Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) will gather for a meeting during which the draft changes to the Statutes and work regulations will be discussed. Agenda of the meeting: 1.Registration of meeting participants 2.Opening of the meeting of the VDU Student Parliament 3.Election of the secretary of the meeting of the VDU Student Parliament 4.Approval of the agenda of the meeting 5.Presentation of the project of changes to the statutes and work regulations of the VDU SA Presented by: Emilija Drabužinskaitė 6.Presentation of the training of members of the VDU Student Parliament Presented by:...

Artėja permainų kupinas laikotarpis VDU Studentų atstovybei

A period full of changes is approaching for the VMU Student Representative Office

March 7 Vytautas Magnus University's Student Representation (VDU SA) election-reporting conference will be held, during which the VDU Student Parliament will elect a new VDU SA president(s) and other governing bodies of the VDU SA. VDU SA is an organization representing students, striving to make their voice heard. During the report-election conference of VDU SA, a new president of the organization will be elected. A man whose main…