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VMU Student Parliament members are meeting for the third meeting of the 2025 term, which will be held on February 12 at 3 p.m. in S. Daukanto g. 28, auditorium 401. This meeting is special because it will approve some of the most important VMU SA documents that have a direct impact on the organization's activities and future decisions. Meeting agenda: VMU Student Parliament is the highest body of Student Governance…

Artėja pokyčiai VDU SA: kas taps naujuoju studentų atstovu? 

Changes are coming to VMU SA: who will become the new student representative? 

On March 8, the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Council (VDU SA) will hold an election-reporting conference, during which the VDU Student Parliament will elect a new VDU SA president and other VDU SA governing bodies. VDU SA is an organization representing students, striving to make their voice heard. During the VDU SA report-election conference, a new president of the organization will be elected. A person whose main…

VDU Studentų parlamentas rinksis į antrąjį kadencijos posėdį

VMU Student Parliament to hold second session of term

January 9. At 2:30 p.m. VMU Student Parliament will convene for the second meeting of the 2024–2025 term, where the problems of faculties and academies will be discussed. The meeting will be chaired by the newly elected Chairman of the VMU Student Parliament, Domas Gudas. Agenda of the meeting: VMU Student Parliament is the highest Student governing body, consisting of representatives elected by students from faculties and academies and all levels of study….

„Moksleivi, pabūk studentu!“: unikali galimybė patirti studentišką gyvenimą

"Student, become a student!": a unique opportunity to experience student life

The Student Representative Office of Vytautas Magnus University invites students from grades 10-12 to participate in the annual project "Students, become a student!", which will take place in 2025. February 17-21 During this project, the participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in student daily life for a week, try out the desired study program, get to know the university professors, students and the opportunities offered by VMU. Project activities The project gives students the opportunity: The project helps to answer one of the most important...

VDU Studentų parlamentas rinksis į pirmąjį 2024-2025 metų kadencijos posėdį

The VMU Student Parliament will meet for the first meeting of the term of 2024-2025

The Student Parliament of Vytautas the Great University (VDU) will meet for the first meeting of this term already on December 3. at 5 p.m. S. Daukant st. 28, in the 401 auditorium. During it, the new president of the Student Parliament will be elected and more work will be done. Schedule of the meeting: The VMU Student Parliament is the highest body of Student Self-Government, which consists of student representatives of all faculties and study levels....

Išrinktas 2024-2025 metų VDU Studentų parlamentas

The 2024-2025 VMU Student Parliament was elected

Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) students elected representatives of their faculties to the VDU Student Parliament. 44 students applied to participate in the elections, 43 of them were elected to represent the students of their faculty. The first voting took place on November 8-11, but the results were canceled due to technical problems. On November 12-16, repeated voting was conducted, thus ensuring that the vote for student representatives...

Pirmakursių stovykla „Subalansuotas fuksas“: įsimintinas startas universiteto gyvenime

Freshman camp "Balanced fuksas": a memorable start in university life

The "Balanced fuksas" camp, which took place from August 31 to September 1, gathered freshmen for an unforgettable weekend, full of new acquaintances and discoveries of university life. The annual freshman camp "Subalansuotas fuksas" organized by the Student Representative Office of Vytautas the Great University is not only a tradition, but also a special event that brings together many enthusiastic students who are looking forward to starting their journey at the university together with new...

Tapk VDU Studentų parlamento nariu: aktyvus balsas universiteto ateities formavime

Become a member of the VDU Student Parliament: an active voice in shaping the future of the university

Students who wish to represent the students of their academic department in the Student Parliament of Vytautas the Great University until October 21. At 11:59 p.m., an application for candidacy and a motivation letter must be submitted by e-mail to What is the VMU Student Parliament? VMU Student Parliament is the highest governing body of students, which consists of representatives elected by students of all study levels from academic departments. Problems raised by student representatives are resolved in the Parliament...

Nauja pradžia VDU studentų atstovybėje

A new beginning in VMU student representation

On September 5, the VMU Student Representation started accepting new members at the Committee Fair, and from September 9 to 11, the first committee meetings were held. The new beginning of the academic year in the Student Representative Office became a great opportunity for all new members of the representative office to get to know the activities of the organization and its committees. Committee Fair: Three Generations Discussion and Fun Atmosphere Committee Fair…

VDU SA Delegatų Įspūdžiai iš LSS Asamblėjos’24: Žinios ir Bendrystė

Impressions of VDU SA Delegates from LSS Assembly'24: Knowledge and Community

The Lithuanian Student Union (LSS) organizes the annual Assembly, which unites representatives of higher school self-governments from all over Lithuania. This Assembly, traditionally held on a seaside weekend, is designed to deepen knowledge on the most relevant topics that change according to current trends and challenges. Each Assembly is unique, and this year, the 25th "Let's light a fire for tomorrow" Assembly, which took place on August 23-25, stood out with Friday's debate,...