Stress management and time management

The art of stress management and effective time planning in today's world, which is full of responsibilities and demands, has become an essential skill for a student who aims to smoothly overcome the study period.
While the hustle and bustle of everyday life can seem overwhelming, the advice of experienced professionals can be helpful in overcoming these challenges. In this article, we will share the tips and deep insights of Evelina Savickaitė - Kazlauskė.
Personal well-being should come first.
Audre Lorde, an American writer, has said: "self-care is not self-love, it is self-preservation." By prioritizing your health, you give yourself the psychological and physical vitality you need to overcome life's challenges. Evelina Savickaitė - Kazlauskė, VDU teacher, psychologist, art psychotherapist emphasizes this essential, but often ignored aspect: finding time for yourself between all responsibilities and hustle and bustle, devoting time to hobbies, self-reflection and a healthy lifestyle. Getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly help increase productivity and reduce stress.
Communication and mutual assistance.
During your studies, it is important to remember that teachers and administration are not your enemies. You just need to honestly ask yourself: "Maybe I don't have to solve this problem alone?" and realize that the teachers are always ready to help you. Open and honest communication not only makes academic life easier, but also encourages you to create a supportive environment around you that is conducive to personal growth.
High points of productivity.
We believe that productivity is the key to success and if we keep working hard, we won't have to wait long for recognition. However, constant work can lead to "burnout", which, on the contrary, prevents effective work. One of the main tips of Evelina Savickaitė - Kazlauskė is to understand and discover your productivity points. By identifying these points, when we are most productive, we can optimize our work schedule accordingly and distribute responsibilities appropriately. This method can significantly improve diligence and time management skills.
Personal experience.
Based on personal experience, Evelina emphasizes several techniques that are essential for time planning. The Pomodoro Technique is time and task planning for people who tend to procrastinate. The main principle of this technique is to divide the work into 25 minutes and take 5-minute breaks after them, and after such four cycles, take a 15-minute break.
What are the advantages of this technique?
- This technique helps to structure the work and distribute the time for their execution more efficiently
- This technique makes it easier to estimate the duration of tasks and get rid of distractions.
- Pomodoro sessions and frequent breaks help maintain more consistent energy levels and help you stay focused.
The Eisenhower method is a technique designed to make quick decisions. According to this method, jobs are classified according to criteria of urgency and importance. Works are divided into four criteria:
- Urgent and important work.
- Urgent but unimportant tasks.
- Non-urgent but important matters.
- Non-urgent and unimportant tasks.
By incorporating these insights and tips into our daily routine, we can improve our ability to manage stress and manage our time effectively. By paying a lot of attention to personal well-being, communication with the university community, and the development of healthy habits, in this way we can cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life.