Become an exam observer!

Academic integrity is one of the most common phrases we hear around the time of reckoning. It is at the time of settlement that VDU Students' Representative Office (VDU SA) organizes examination observations, in which observers can also become YOU!
Academic integrity is an integral part of university student ethics as it guarantees a fair and honest educational process. Every student seeks knowledge in pursuit of higher education, so being academically dishonest only prevents us from getting a quality education.
Academic dishonesty is considered any action during the settlement, when the student has the intention to use not only his knowledge: looking at the student's work, using the phone, smart watch or any other sources of information dissemination.
Being academically dishonest puts the student at risk of receiving credit from the subject. For this reason, if the debt is not remedied, the student may lose a state-funded place during the rotation, and graduate students may lose the opportunity to defend their thesis. Such unethical student behavior can also be referred to the ethics commission, which after analyzing the situation can make decisions ranging from a personal warning to expulsion from the university without the right to return.
In order to help teachers and prevent cases of academic dishonesty, VDU SA conducts examination monitoring. Students themselves can become observers and help ensure academic integrity during the upcoming fall exam session.
To become a student-observer you need to fill out this questionnaire.
You can fill in the questionnaire until November 21. Registered students will be contacted personally.
If you have any questions, contact e-mail. by mail: