Parliamentarians gathered for the last meeting of this term

September 28 Members of the Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Sudenti Parliament gathered for the last parliamentary session of this term. The parliamentarians were presented with the results of the study on the improvement of the parliament's activities and the projects for changing the documents of the VMU Student Representation (SA). Elected members of the senate and member of the VDU SA Board.
After the meeting started and the agenda was approved, Monika Ražauskaitė, the chairwoman of the VDU Student Parliament, presented the resignation of the board member from the position of the VDU SA Board. The assembled parliamentarians approved this request by voting (24 in favor, 1 abstention).
After the voting for these positions, Solveiga Skaisgirytė, a candidate for the VDU SA Board, introduced herself and answered the questions. Later, remote voting was organized, where the candidacy was unanimously approved.
Later, the chairwoman of the VDU Student Parliament briefly presented the motivation letters of the candidates for the VDU Senate, and the parliamentarians decided during remote voting that Vitalija Jakubaitytė and Ernesta Čirvinskaitė are delegated to the VDU Senate.
The next question of the meeting was about the Provisional VMU Student Parliament election procedure. President of VDU SA Emilija Drabužinskaitė presented this document. It was decided by consensus that the upcoming elections to the VMU Student Parliament will be organized according to the temporary procedure. The draft of the permanent procedure for the VMU Student Parliament elections was also presented. This document is being prepared with the aim of ensuring that elections are held in the same order every year and that this order does not have to be re-approved every year.
During the meeting of the VDU Student Parliament, VDU SA Board member Lukas Gedvila presented the results of the study on improving the activities of the VDU Student Parliament, which took place in the summer. The Performance Improvement Plan was also presented. Step by step how you imagine everything should go.
It is suggested that after the election of the new parliament, start with a pilot work system, where parliamentarians will be divided according to separate committees and their areas of activity. After this presentation, there was a question session, during which the parliamentarians wondered if the pilot plan was being prepared too hastily? How do you think when it will be realistic to assess whether such a model is successful? And when do you recommend repeating a similar study? During the discussion, it was decided that after noticing that this model does not work, an attempt will be made to improve this model, and if the model is effective, it can be officially confirmed or not confirmed during the next election reporting conference.
Also, during the meeting, the updated VDU SA statutes and work regulation drafts were presented. It was mentioned that tasks and objectives were filled according to current activities. The structure of the documents has also been slightly changed to make the documents more user-friendly.