Dispute settlement commission - what is it?

Did you know that if you do not agree with the assessment of study results and/or settlement procedures, you can submit appeals, which are examined by the dispute resolution commission?
Various disputes or disagreements may arise both from the side of the student or listener, and from the teacher or employee. In order to ensure the correct dispute resolution process and the adopted decision, the university has a dispute resolution commission (GNK). The Vytautas Magnus University Disputes Commission resolves disputes regarding the Law on Science and Studies, VMU Statute, Regular studies and the implementation of the rights and duties established in other legal acts, as well as compliance with the procedures for assessing the academic achievements of the student(s), which could not be settled through administrative procedures or negotiations.
March 8 The VDU Senate approved the new GNK regulations. With the update of these regulations, a somewhat different procedure for handling disputes was also confirmed - from now on, disputes related to appeals regarding the assessment of study results, violations of settlement procedures and other gaps in research and study activities are examined by the department's GNK, while the central GNK resolves disputes related to more than one academic department or which cannot be resolved in the department.
The GNK of the department consists of 6 persons - 3 teachers delegated by the head of the academic department and 3 student representatives delegated by the president of the VMU Student Representation - in this way, the equality and impartiality of teachers and students is ensured and the policy of protecting the interests of students is maintained.
The central GNK is also composed of 6 members of the university's academic community - 3 employees delegated by the rector of VMU and 3 student representatives delegated by the president of the VMU Student Representation. The members of the central GNK cannot be members of the branch GNK. It is important to mention that the composition of the commission is approved by the VMU rector. The term of office of members of both the branch and the central GNK lasts 2 years, and term limits apply - no more than 2 terms in a row.
As a student, if you encounter gaps related to your studies (wrong study evaluations, inaccuracies in the study grid, violations of billing procedures, etc.), contact the dispute resolution commission of the academic unit where you study and refer the problems to competent persons for resolution. GNK commissions work impartially and objectively, which means that you will not receive any hostility or negative attitude from your teachers or administration (during or after the dispute is examined) while fighting for your truth.
If you have any questions or problems regarding the process itself, where and when exactly to apply, etc., write to the VDU Student Representative Office info@vdusa.lt or akademai@vdusa.lt.