Vytautas the Great University is implementing the project.

in 2023 In August, Vytautas the Great University launched the project "Encouraging citizens' involvement in Vytautas the Great University's science campaigns by creating a favorable ecosystem for the use of data collected by citizens in scientific research (Vis.DuomUo)" no. 10-040-T-001. Duration: 2023 August 1 - in 2025 January 30 (18 months). Project value: EUR 59,960. Funded by the European Union NextGenerationEU. Project research manager: dr. Sunny Milčiuviene.
The project aims to create a favorable ecosystem at Vytautas the Great University for the use of data collected by citizens in scientific research, their opening and management, thus involving citizens as widely as possible in Vytautas the Great University's scientific campaigns. Citizen science is an important tool for democratizing science. Data generated by citizen science groups is becoming an increasingly important resource for researchers. Currently, at Vytautas the Great University, researchers who conduct and organize scientific research are faced with the problems of data openness, intellectual property and personal data protection. The lack of clear guidelines regarding the conditions for opening, handling and storing data collected by citizens in scientific research is one of the reasons why scientists do not want to involve citizens in ongoing scientific research.
During the execution of the project, a Map of Possibilities regarding the use of data collected and formed by citizens in research conducted by Vytautas the Great University, their opening, management and processing and Guidelines on the use of data collected and formed by citizens in scientific research conducted by Vytautas the Great University, their opening, management and processing will be prepared. If the Map of Opportunities will perform a more informative and educational function, then the Guidelines will provide specific recommendations and algorithms regarding the opening, management and processing of data. The planned results of the project will be prepared in active cooperation with all interested parties: researchers, students, citizens and social partners. In order to find out the needs of the interested parties and their attitude towards the use of data collected by citizens in scientific research, three different questionnaires will be prepared and surveys will be conducted. Also, during the implementation of the project, three seminars will be organized - round table discussions, during which the results of the project implementation will be presented and discussions with interested parties will take place.

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