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Pavasario festivalis vėl kviečia susitikti!  

The Spring Festival invites you to meet again!  

May 26 The Spring Festival organized by Vytautas Magnus University's Student Representative Office (VDU SA) and taking place for the 22nd time will rock Unity Square. This year, the participants of the festival will have the opportunity to see more, because we will celebrate Kaunas' birthday at the same weekend, so the entertainment will not last long. The motto of this year's festival is "From zero to the moon", and the theme is financial literacy. During the event it will be possible to learn more...

Atnaujintas Etikos kodeksas

Updated Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics of Vytautas the Great University (VDU) is a document that is important not only for the university itself, but also for its entire community. The updated Code of Ethics further defines the relationship between the university community, expands the concept of academic integrity, includes a provision for the prevention of sexual harassment, and many other things. By signing a contract with VMU, the student undertakes to comply with this code and the...

Atsilaisvino dvi vietos į VDU SA Valdybą. Kandidatuok!

Two seats on the VDU SA Board have become vacant. Apply!

April 27 an extraordinary meeting of the Student Parliament will be held, during which new board members will be elected for a one-year term. After the resignation of two people from the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation Board (VDU SA), places became available for the following positions. Those who want to become a member of the board, until April 22. at 5 p.m. must submit a completed application and motivation letter by e-mail. by mail The Board ensures VMU Student...

Prisidėk prie VDU SA egzaminų stebėjimų. Tapk savanoriu-stebėtoju!

Contribute to VDU SA exam observations. Become a volunteer observer!

Academic integrity is one of the most frequently heard phrases when it comes to reckoning. It is during them that VDU Students' Representative Office (VDU SA) organizes examination observations, in which all students who wish can become observers. Academic integrity is a concept that is very often used in higher education. Its main essence is compliance with the VMU Code of Ethics. According to VDU SA academic affairs coordinator Vitalija Jakubaitytė, academic dishonesty...

Prabėgo „Moksleivi, pabūk studentu“ savaitė

"Student, be a student" week has passed

On February 19-24, the Vytautas Magnus University Students' Representative (VDU SA) project "Students, be a student" took place. Students from all over Lithuania gathered in this project had the opportunity to become students for a week - to attend lectures, stay in dormitories and get to know university life. The students not only had the opportunity to try the study programs offered by VMU, but also after the lectures they were cheered on by the Student Representatives...

Kovo 10 d. bus renkamas VDU SA vadovas(-ė) ir valdymo organai – VDU Studentų atstovybė

March 10 the head(s) of VDU SA and management bodies - VDU Student Representation will be elected

March 10 12 o'clock the report-election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VDU SA) will be held. During it, the annual activity and financial report of VDU SA will be presented, and the elections of the president, board and audit commission of VDU SA will be held. The board is a strategic advisory management body of the Student Representative Office of Vytautas the Great University (VDU SA), which approves the annual plan of the representative office, determines...

Kovo 10 d. nauja pradžia VDU Studentų atstovybei, išrinkta organizacijos prezidentė ir valdymo organai

March 10 a new beginning for the VMU Student Representative Office, the organization's president and governing bodies have been elected

March 10 the report-election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office (VDU SA) was held. During it, annual activity, financial, Board and Audit reports of VDU SA were presented. A new VDU SA Board, Audit Commission, and president of the organization were elected. After the conference started and the agenda was approved, Ieva Vengrovskaja, president of VDU SA, presented the annual activity and financial reports of her previous term. For conference guests and…

VDU SA Veiklos ataskaita. Metai pilni pokyčių ir tęstinumo

VDU SA Activity Report. The year is full of change and continuity

Ieva Vengrovskaja, who is at the helm of Vytautas the Great University's Student Representative Office (VDU SA), will start her second term on March 10. VDU SA will present the activities of the past years during the reporting-election conference. The president, her team and all the volunteers of the organization worked for a year to adequately represent the interests of VMU students and respond to their needs, both at the university and on a national and international scale. In the activity report of VDU SA, carried out...

VDU SA Valdyba – patariamasis valdymo organas, besirūpinantis organizacijos ateitimi

The Board of VDU SA is an advisory management body that takes care of the future of the organization

March 10 the report-election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office (VDU SA) will be held, during which the Student Parliament will elect a new VDU SA president, audit commission and board for a one-year term. Those who wish to become a member of the board, until March 6. at 5 p.m. must submit a completed application and motivation letter by e-mail by mail To encourage and inspire students to run for the Board, the current…

Tapti VDU SA prezidente kandidatuoja viena studentė

One student is running to become the president of VDU SA

On March 10, the Student Parliament of Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) will gather for the VDU Student Representation (SA) alternate-election conference, during which the VDU SA president elections will be held. The request to apply for this position was submitted by one candidate - Emilija Drabužinskaitė, a bachelor's student at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Currently, the candidate is a 4th-year psychology study program student, working in the VMU Student Representation for the fourth year...