The election of the president of the VMU Student Representation is announced

March 10 the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative (VDU SA) election-reporting conference will be held, during which the VDU Student Parliament will elect a new SA president.
According to temporary procedure for organizing elections, who wish to run for the post of president, must submit a completed application, motivation letter and operational guidelines until February 17 at 5 p.m. VDU SA Board e-mail by post
It's an opportunity to try on the manager's chair, learn how to organize work, lead a team, achieve goals, think critically, and manage time. VDU SA Board Chairwoman Solveiga Skaisgirytė says that the president of the VDU Student Representation is the face of all student representatives, performing many interesting, dynamic tasks and carrying considerable responsibility. It is a position that is not short of challenges, but also full of life lessons that develop personality and competencies. "VDU SA is famous at the national level for its strong and proactive presidents who are active on the Lithuanian scale. During the short period of study, such an opportunity can only occur once, so don't waste it, apply ambitiously and lead VDU SA to an even better representation of students," urges the chairperson.
The president of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office is the head of the representative office who is responsible for what happens inside and outside the representative office. He represents all university students at the meetings of the University Rectorate, VMU Council with the right to vote, represents VMU students in the Lithuanian Student Union and performs other functions provided for in the VMU SA Statutes.