A new VDU SA President, Board and Audit Commission were elected

March 12 12 o'clock Vytautas Magnus University's Student Representation (VDU SA) report-election conference was held, during which the revisions of VDU SA's Statutes and Work Regulations were approved. Paulius Vaitiekus, a fourth-year student in the Biotechnology study program at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, has been elected as the new president of VDU SA for the second term.
In the first part of the conference, the revisions of the VDU SA Statutes and Labor Regulations were approved. The most important change is the formalization of the position of the President of the VMU Student Parliament.
In the second part of the conference, the current president of VDU SA, Paulius Vaitiekus, presented the anniversary of VDU SA activities and finance reports. Members of the Student Parliament had questions about the events organized by VDU SA, the projects provided and the distribution of funds. Both reports were confirmed. The audit committee presented its own report and expressed comments and recommendations regarding the implementation of VDU SA activities and the use of financial resources. The Student Parliament approved the report of the Audit Commission.
The third part of the conference began with the introduction of the candidates for the post of VDU SA president - Tomas Bacevičius and Pauliaus Vaitiekus. Candidates presented their objectives (guidelines and motivational letters for candidates) and answered the questions that arose. The members of the Student Parliament were interested in the position of the Speaker of the Parliament, the activities of the Study Program Committees, the canteen, maintaining communication with other VMU student organizations, monitoring payments, admission to higher education institutions, VMU rector elections, organizational and managerial changes.
During the conference, the candidates for the VDU SA Board also presented themselves: Tadas Juodgudis, Daniel Mačichin, Kristina Balčiūnaitė, Greta Šmaižytė and Martynas Vitkus.
After counting the votes of the Student Parliament, Paulius Vaitiekus was elected as the president of VDU SA (22 parliamentarians voted for P. Vaitiekas, 2 for T. Bacevičiaus). Tadas Juodgudis, Daniel Mačichin, Kristina Balčiūnaitė, Greta Šmaižytė and Martynas Vitkus became members of the board.
The Student Parliament also elected the Audit Commission. Žygymantas Fokts, Lukas Gedvila, Rokas Rudys, Rūta Šerpytytė and Solveiga Skaisgirytė sought to occupy these positions. All candidates were elected.
34 student representatives participated in the meeting of the VMU Student Parliament. The conference was chaired by Eigirdas Sarkanas, president of the Lithuanian Students' Union, and Laurynas Samajauskas, administrator of the SA Office of VDU, served as secretary. The conference was also attended by VMU Rector prof. Juozas Augutis, Director of the Department of Student Affairs Mantas Simanavičius, guests from other municipalities and organizations.