What decisions did the newly elected VMU Student Parliament make?


Even before the big holidays of the year, the first meeting of the newly elected Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Student Parliament took place, in which 34 (out of 40 possible) parliament members participated.

The meeting discussed the dates of the Student Parliament meetings, the VMU Student Work Program, the support of the educational and scientific community, the request to the VMU administration regarding the establishment status of the public VMU canteen, and the candidate for the Council of the Water Management and Land Management Faculty of the VMU Agricultural Academy (ŽŪA).

During the meeting, it was confirmed that the VDU Student Parliament will have to hold open meetings in February, May, September and December (the second week of the month, Thursday). Also, a resolution was adopted regarding the support of the educational and scientific community, and a request to the VMU administration regarding the establishment status of the public VMU canteen was approved. Agnė Mikelionienė was delegated to the Council of the Faculty of Water Management and Land Management of VMU ŽŪA.

During the meeting, a working group was formed, the task of which is to edit the document of the Student Work Program, which will include planned actions for reducing the work of students. Another working group was formed in order to edit the Labor Regulations of VDU SA. It was decided that both of these documents must be prepared before the next meeting of the VMU Student Parliament.

Request to the VDU Administration regarding the establishment of the VDU public canteen

Minutes of the VMU Student Parliament meeting no. 191218



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