The president of VDU SA, Board and Audit was elected
On March 7, the report-election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VDU SA) took place. During it, annual activity, financial, Audit and Board reports of VDU SA were presented. A new VDU SA Board, Audit Commission was elected, Emilija Drabužinskaitė, a bachelor student of the Faculty of Social Sciences, was elected as the president of VDU SA for the second term.

At the beginning of the conference, the president of VDU SA, Emilija Drabužinskaitė, presented the annual activity and financial reports. The members of the student parliament and guests had questions about implemented and unimplemented organizational works, technical errors of the term of office, and efficient use of finances. The Chairman of the Audit Commission, Ieva Vengrovskaja, presented the report of the Audit Commission and expressed praise, comments and recommendations to the VDU SA office, the organization's activities, their implementation and the use of financial resources. All three reports were approved by the resolution of the Student Parliament. The Chairperson of the Board, Solveiga Skaisgirytė, presented the annual report of the Board of VDU SA. The changes of the VMU Student Parliament and other work done by the Board during the year were presented.
The approval of the reports was followed by the presentation of changes to the Statutes of VDU SA. Members of the Student Parliament were introduced to the new changes by Gustė Žukauskaitė, a member of the VDU SA Board. New changes have appeared in the statutes, such as: added description of VDU SA, updated vision of the organization, new description of Member and Accredited member, added concept of Alumni, etc. changes.
Changes to the VDU SA Statutes were approved with corrections taking into account the insights expressed by the members of the Student Parliament.
The Coordinator of Academic Affairs and Student Representatives of VDU SA presented the description of the Accreditation Procedure of VDU SA. The document describes the procedure for the accreditation of VDU SA members, accredited members and student representatives.
The description of the Accreditation Procedure of VDU SA was approved by the resolution of the members of the Student Parliament.
The presentation of the draft amendments to the Work Regulations of VDU SA was postponed to the next meeting of the VDU Student Parliament.
The document presentations were followed by the election of the VDU SA president. Candidate Emilija Drabužinskaitė presented the operational guidelines, the future VDU SA Office and answered the questions raised by members of the Student Parliament and guests.
During the conference, the candidates for the VDU SA Board also presented themselves: Dovilė Imbrasaitė, Aistė Balazaitė, Silvija Malinauskaitė, Gustė Žukauskaitė, Greta Kuliešiūtė, Monika Ražauskaitė.
During this conference, the VDU SA Audit Commission was also elected. Joana Gasiulytė, Ieva Vengrovskaja, Austė Skaisgirytė, Vytautas Čepas, Vytautas Valaitis, Laurynas Samajauskas, Rytis Sidarevičius, Rusnė Rimkevičiūtė sought to occupy these positions.
After counting the parliamentary votes, Emilija Drabužinskaitė was elected as the president of VDU SA (18 votes for, 2 against and 4 abstentions).
Board members became: Dovilė Imbrasaitė, Aistė Balazaitė, Silvija Malinauskaitė, Gustė Žukauskaitė, Greta Kuliešiūtė, Monika Ražauskaitė.
The following were elected to the Audit Commission: Vytautas Čepas, Ieva Vengrovskaja, Joana Gasiulytė, Vytautas Valaitis, Laurynas Samajauskas.
Vytautas Čepas was elected chairman of the audit.
25 student representatives participated in the presentation of the report of the VMU Students' Representation and the election session of the Student Parliament. The conference was chaired by the former president of the Kaunas College Student Representation, LSS membership coordinator Mantas Gutauskas, and the secretary by the former head of the LSS Office, Romas Kupčiūnas.
The conference was also attended by the rector of VMU, prof. Juozas Augutis, VMU Vice-Rector of Studies Simona Pilkienė, Director of the Student Affairs Department Mantas Simanavičius, VMU Senate Chairman Ričardas Krikštolaitis.