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Moksleiviai savaitei taps VDU studentais

The students will become VMU students for a week

The project "Students, become a student" (MPS) organized by Vytautas Magnus University's (VDU) Student Representation (SA) invites students to experience student life. in 2023 during the activities that will take place on February 20-24, students in grades 10-12 will have the opportunity to try out the desired VMU study program and university, get to know teachers and students, and gain invaluable experience before becoming a student. During the project, students from various…

November is the month of improving the competences of VDU SA members

The month of November was an extremely busy period for the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office (VDU SA). Volunteers of the organization participated in the "Startuok" trainings of the committees and the Lithuanian Student Union (LUS), the purpose of which is to raise the competences of the members, to expand the available knowledge and to give the members the opportunity to gain practical experience, which will help them to continue to function purposefully in the organization and represent students. The first three weekends of November were dedicated to…

Naujai išrinktas VDU Studentų parlamentas rinksis į posėdį

The newly elected VMU Student Parliament will gather for a meeting

November 24 (Thursday) at 7 p.m. the newly elected VMU Student Parliament will gather for its first meeting, which will be held in auditorium 101 at 28 S. Daukanta Street. The sittings of the Parliament are open, so everyone can come to this sitting. Meeting agenda: 1. Registration of participants. 2. Opening of the meeting of the VMU Student Parliament. 3. Elections of the chairman of the meeting of the VMU Student Parliament. 4. VMU Student Parliament meeting...

Tarptautinės studentų dienos proga VDU studentai užėmė universiteto vadovų vietas

On the occasion of International Students' Day, VMU students took the positions of university leaders

On the occasion of the International Students' Day, the Student Representation of Vytautas the Great University (VDU SA) carried out an initiative during which university students could take the positions of University leaders. More than 10 students, who replaced the university staff, got to know the inside of the university better, raised existing problems and jointly discussed improving the relationship between VDU SA and students and creating a student campus in the Academy. Students who have taken…

​​​​Išrinktas 2022–2023 m. VDU Studentų parlamentas

​​​​Elected for 2022-2023 VMU Student Parliament

Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) students elected representatives of their faculties in the VDU Student Parliament. 50 students applied to participate in the elections, 48 of them were elected to represent the students of their faculty. Solveiga Skaisgirytė, Chairwoman of the VMU Student Representation (SA) Board, shares that from the technical side, the elections went smoothly, and all candidates submitted their documents on time. "As in recent years, candidates...

Studentai-savanoriai užtikrins akademinį sąžiningumą sesijos metu

Student volunteers will ensure academic integrity during the session

Academic integrity is one of the most frequently heard phrases in higher education as the reckoning approaches. It is during them that VDU Students' Representative Office (VDU SA) organizes examination observations, in which all students who wish can become observers. Academic integrity is a concept that has many meanings. Its main essence is compliance with the VMU academic code. According to Gustė Žukauskaitė, academic affairs coordinator of VDU SA, academic...

Prisidėk prie studentiško gyvenimo kūrimo dalyvaudamas VDU Studentų parlamento rinkimuose

Contribute to the development of student life by participating in the VMU Student Parliament elections

Submission of applications for candidacy to the highest governing body of Students, the Vytautas Didios University (VDU) Student Parliament, begins. Students who want to represent their faculty in the VMU Student Parliament until October 26. You must submit an application and a motivation letter by e-mail at by 23:59. As every year, the VDU SA Board encourages everyone to get involved in the activities of the VDU Student Parliament. VDU SA Board Chairwoman Solveiga Skaisgirytė...

VDU Studentų parlamentas diskutavo apie būsimus parlamento rinkimus ir studentų atstovus VDU Senate

The VDU Student Parliament discussed the upcoming parliamentary elections and student representatives in the VDU Senate

September 15 The parliamentarians gathered for the remote Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Student Parliament meeting discussed the election of student representatives in the VDU Senate and the new temporary VDU Student Parliament election procedure. 5 new senators were elected by electronic voting and the election procedure was approved. At the beginning of September, elections to the VMU Senate were publicly announced. 8 students expressed their desire to apply. VDU…

Lietuvos studento pažymėjimą gali įsigyti visi turintys studento statusą

A Lithuanian student card can be purchased by anyone with student status

Lithuanian student certificate (LSP) is the only official document proving student status. It can be purchased by students of all study levels and study forms. Ordering a certificate will be free of charge for first-year students of Vytautas the Great University until October 31. The LSP is valid for the entire period of study, so if you order a certificate, you don't have to worry about its expiration. With the certificate: You will be able to use the university library,...

VDU Studentų parlamentas rinksis į nuotolinį posėdį

The VMU Student Parliament will hold a remote meeting

September 15 5:30 p.m. a remote meeting of the VDU Student Parliament will be held. The sittings of the Parliament are open, so anyone can join this sitting by clicking on this link. Agenda of the meeting: The VMU Student Parliament is the highest student governing body, which consists of representatives elected by students from faculties and academies and all study levels. The problems raised by student representatives are resolved in the parliament and...