At Vytautas the Great University, students celebrated International Students' Day!


On November 14, from the very early morning, students were not only happy that a great event was waiting for them in the evening at the Kaunas Sports Hall, but they also got down to work! As every year, on the occasion of International Students' Day, power is transferred to none other than the students.

All faculty deans, directors of services, vice-rectors, the rector and even the mayor of Kaunas city himself gave up their chairs to the students today. For them, it was a great experience and an opportunity to see all the work up close and to perform important tasks and implement the set tasks themselves. The VMU student rectorate actively worked on the raised practice problem and collected information on what opportunities are provided to students to do it at the university itself.

The rector was replaced by Gabrielė Stasiūnaitė, a 3rd year student of career and professional counseling, who did not hide her joy at replacing the VMU rector Z. Lydek: “Being a student rector has been my dream since last year, when I was the dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS). To my joy, this dream has come true! I am extremely happy that I had such an invaluable opportunity to take the place of the rector for one day. The topic and problem examined by this year's student rectorate is internship and the opportunities it provides at the university. I believe that internship is an integral part of studies, because it is through it that a student acquires practical knowledge about their specialty. "

What the student rectorate has accomplished will not end in just one day. The problem and task raised will continue to be examined by the real rectorate, and opportunities will be sought to change and expand internship opportunities and thus create internship places for students!

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