Spring Festival'24: experience the intellectual renaissance!

From May 13 to 17, the Vytautas the Great University Student Representative Office (VDU SA) in Kaunas is organizing the 23rd annual Spring Festival event: experience the intellectual renaissance! Today we are in a situation where the concept of intelligence takes on a different meaning. The slogan of this year's festival symbolizes a revolution and rebirth in another form of artificial intelligence.
During the festival, you will be able to experience this by visiting an artistic installation, participating in orienteering competitions, debates, and on Friday evening there will be a free concert where you can hear contemporary music performers!
From May 13th to the 16th, an interactive labyrinth will be open on Unity Square. The maze is designed to test whether the participants, after applying their analytical abilities, can recognize artificial intelligence and human-made works of art.
On May 14, there will be a discussion where the audience will be introduced to the damage caused by artificial intelligence in the academic field. Also, creative workshops will be held, during which participants will have the opportunity to acquire skills on how to properly use artificial intelligence tools for the application of music, media, design and search in various fields of study.
During the orientation competition on May 16, participants will have the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge about the conscious and fair use of artificial intelligence during their studies and learn about the possibilities of artificial intelligence by performing various tasks.
On May 17, we will be waiting for everyone at Vienybės Square at the closing concert of the Spring Festival. After a week full of new knowledge and practical sessions, the participants of the event will have the opportunity to hear the performances of contemporary music artists and take part in the award ceremony, where the results of the orientation competition will be presented.
The purpose of the event is to expand students' knowledge and skills in the field of artificial intelligence, with the goal of targeted and effective application of knowledge in academic and daily activities. The slogan of the festival - Experience the renaissance of intelligence - betrays the main essence of the event - during the festival there will be theoretical and practical classes related to artificial intelligence.
In these times of rapid technological change, VDU SA President Emilija Drabužinskaitė states that "one of the most challenging topics for students and the entire university community is the rapidly spreading and freely available artificial intelligence and its application. In order for the latest technologies to be effectively applied in the academic field, we need to understand their capabilities and learn how to use them."
You can find more information on the Facebook page "VDU Student Representation"
Event link: https://fb.me/e/3GyLhI1Jp