VDU SA activity report: what did we do during the year?

in 2021 March 12 Ieva Vengrovskaja took over the position of president of Vytautas the Great University's Student Representative Office. The president, together with the team and volunteers of the organization, worked throughout the year to properly represent students at the university, national and international level and to implement the goals set at the beginning of the year. On March 10, at the report-election conference of VDU SA, I. Vengrovskaja will present the annual activity report.

In the activity report of VDU SA, the works performed are divided into seven categories according to strategic directions of activity: improving the quality of studies, student representatives, representation at the national and international level, strengthening the student microclimate, reliable and open organization, ensuring the organization's financial stability and communication.

According to the president of VDU SA, a lot has been done during these years to improve the quality of studies. "Continuing studies in the COVID-19 environment aimed to ensure a smooth study process. in 2021 vaccinations that appeared at the beginning gave hope to quickly return to contact learning from distance studies. Therefore, in the fall semester, it was achieved that the studies were conducted in a contact manner (except for joint university, language subjects and individual cases)." The VMU student representative system is being developed, constant communication and meetings with student representatives in university bodies are maintained, and training is conducted to improve their competences.

VMU students were represented and participated in the activities carried out by the Lithuanian Student Union. Involved in working groups on the regulation of transport allowance and PSD payment (non-)application; due to changes in the procedure for granting loans; on improving the study conditions of foreign students in Lithuania and solving the issues of the need for pedagogues and the distribution of scholarships. They also participate in discussions and trainings, which examine the problems faced by students and find ways to solve them. In cooperation with the club of doctoral students, we join the Transform4Europe alliance of European higher education institutions.

Ieva Vengrovskaja is happy with the positions expressed in the University's governing bodies and the implemented changes. "The goal of increasing scholarships was raised during the last term of office of P. Vaitiekus. At the meeting of the VMU Senate held in the summer, a decision was made to change and supplement the currently valid provisions of the description of the procedure for awarding VMU scholarships. level.

The president of VDU SA says that a lot has been achieved in other areas of activity as well: attention is paid to the integration of first-year and foreign students into the university community and to strengthening the microclimate of the community - taking into account the pandemic situation, various activities and events were organized. Also, projects were written and promotional services were carried out in order to ensure the financial stability of the organization.

Last year, the aim was to raise the competences of VDU SA members, to ensure the continuity of the organization's activities: "Two accreditations of members, eight trainings, various discussions were carried out, so that members have as much knowledge and skills as possible for representation. Conducted motivational interviews with members trying to find out their problems, motivation and goals in the representative office." In addition, various meetings and events were organized in order to attract new members and maintain contact with VDU SA Alumni.

"I want to express my gratitude to everyone who remains calm today, can think critically and rationally and does not lose altruism. Only by focusing, respecting everyone around us, and striving for justice, can we remain united and ready for anything." - sums up VDU SA President Ieva Vengrovskaja at this time, and in the coming years, she wishes everyone inner peace, even more determination, in implementing the goals set and using all the opportunities that are available to us. provided by VDU.

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