VDU invites Kaunas to Italian language courses

Stefano M. Lanza, an Italian who came to Lithuania 14 years ago, doctor of Lithuanian philology, docent Stefano M. Lanza invites again to the Italian language courses for the public, which will be held at VMU from March 31. Registration is in progress online.

After the great interest of doc. At the beginning of the year of SM Lanza's "Tasting Italian" lectures, VMU offers the public a complete beginner-level intensive course, which will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 5:30 p.m., at Vytautas the Great University (60-403 K. Donelaičio str.).

The new 20 lecture courses aim to acquaint Kaunas and city guests with the basics and intricacies of the temperamental Southerners' language. This is an A1 level Italian language and culture course that will take place three times a week. They will be led by Assoc. SM Lanza with a teacher from the Dante Alighieri Society.

Stefano M. Lanza, who teaches the course, is a Lithuanian scholar and philologist who has been living in Lithuania for a decade and a half. In Italy, the lecturer graduated from the University of Bologna, and in our country he published Lithuanian-Italian and Italian-Lithuanian dictionaries, and restored the activities of the Dante Alighieri Society. The teacher regularly organizes Italian classes. training programs, translator, prepares educational tools, writes scientific articles.

Vytautas the Great University in 2010. SM Lanza defended his doctoral thesis "Words of Italian origin (Italisms) and their adaptation in the Lithuanian language", which revealed that the first Italisms appeared in our language already in the 14th century. at the beginning, although it is reasonably believed that they existed much earlier. Few people know that Lithuanians "borrowed" such words from the Italians gooseberryhighwayfirmskirt etc

"Today, more than ever, any language cannot be perceived as an isolated phenomenon - every language user can more easily become an active participant in intercultural communication." Technologies especially speed up the interaction of languages, allowing everyone to get acquainted with distant realities," the linguist explained.

Registration for Italian language and culture courses is ongoing online. The course consists of 20 lectures (1.5 hours each). The price is symbolic - 45 litas (1 litas for one academic hour and 5 litas for a certificate after passing the exam).

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