V2 - the 10th evening of nominations and talents
On March 5th, the anniversary, already 10th, talent and nomination evening, known to everyone as V2, took place in the Great Hall of our university! Teachers, students and other members of our community gathered together to celebrate our most beloved teachers, the best recognized organizations and the most important university events!
The event was opened by the first talents – Viktorija Šaulytė (2nd year student of the Faculty of Arts) together with her partner Darius. They danced a passionate dance – tango. Immediately after them, the host of the event, Mindaugas Jocys, created a great atmosphere throughout the evening and presented as many as 10 different nominations and many contenders to win them!
The very first nomination "Heart of the Year" is probably the most beautiful and beloved nomination of our teachers and students, which is awarded to the most benevolent teacher towards students. This year, the fourth award was won by teacher Bronė Gudaitytė (Faculty of Humanities)!
In the second nomination, “Sense of Humor of the Year,” the well-known lecturer Miguel Puerta (Institute of Foreign Languages) won.
The third nomination "Couple of the Year" always attracts great interest from students and there is never a shortage of candidates for this nomination, but this year the following couple clearly won the laurels: the Institute of Foreign Languages + UKI Director Nemira Mačianskienė.
The event that won the “Event of the Year” nomination was the opening of the Vaclovas Biržiška Reading Room.
The nomination "Foreigner of the Year" becomes a real challenge for students every year, because our university has many excellent foreign lecturers, from whom it is difficult to single out just one, but this year, for the third year in a row, Jaq Greenspon (Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy) won everyone's sympathy.
The winner of the “Phrase of the Year” is certainly well known to everyone and has been heard more than once: “VMU is more than a specialty”.
The winner of the "Orator of the Year" nomination was lecturer Vytautas Lesionis, who draws packed audiences and is eagerly listened to by students, and this trend does not change year after year.
The winner of the "Student Organization of the Year" award was ESN VMU, and in the "Publication of the Year" nomination, Romualdas Požerskis' photo album "Lietuva 1988-1993" and his photography exhibition won.
The last, 10th nomination, perhaps the most anticipated and important part of the V2 event, was named “Lecturer of the Year”. All university lecturers competed in this nomination, and the winner was selected using a lecturer quality assessment questionnaire, which is carried out by the VMU Quality and Strategy Service together with the VMU Student Representative Council. This year, the winner was announced by the Director of the Quality and Strategy Service, Rita Bendaravičienė, and invited Agnė Blažienė, a doctoral student at the Department of Lithuanian Language, to receive the award on stage!
Also, the following talents from our university gave amazing and wonderful performances throughout the event:
Mangirdas Kežys (GMF, 1st year) performed the song "Andy Mckee – Guitar drift".
Jovita Ambruževičiūtė (IF, 4th year) performed the piece “Out of reach”
Elijus Taržinskas (PMDF 2nd year) performed with the song "Sam Smith - "Stay with me".
Greta Šmaižytė (SMF, 1st year) surprised everyone with her creative text entitled "Freedom".
Silvija Guzovijūtė (GMF, 4th year) and Dominykas Loda performed the song "Night of Fearlessness".
Darja Kostianova (HMF, 2nd year) performed with the song ALIEZ or otherwise A/Z.
Indrė Kupčinskaitė (Faculty of Economics and Management, 1st year) performed the song "I wont let go".
Gabrielius Vaikasas (PMDF, 2nd year) danced a spirited foxtrot with his partner.
Dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology, Benas Ulevičius, surprised everyone with the song "Cindarella - Heart break station"
Orinta Znojevaitė (PMDF, 4th year) performed Domantas Brazauskas' song "Kvapas" (Smell).
Vytautas Miliukas, a participant in the VMU SA project “Students, be a student”, performed with an interpretation of the Milky Chance song “Stolen dance”.
The folk dance ensemble "Žilvitis" performed two performances: "Kumburys" and "Baltas paukštis".
At the end of the evening, everyone was delighted by the performance of the famous artist Jurgis Didžiulis! He enchanted the audience with upbeat Latin rhythms, great music and lively vocals made it impossible to stand still, so everyone had the opportunity to sing and move along!
Of course, our talents and nomination winners were congratulated by VMU friends and partners: “Sanistalis”, “Akropolis”, “Kvapų namai”, “Indrė Flora” and “Eventus”. We say thank you to our friends and see you next year at the 11th V2 Talent and Nomination Evening!