You can learn about studies not only from descriptions on the Internet

As the matriculation exams approach, more and more students are trying to imagine themselves at university. Many questions arise, and finding answers to them is difficult. It is possible to try out what will happen in the near future by testing the student's everyday life in the project "Student, be a student". This is a project organized by the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VDU SA) for students in grades 10-12.
The purpose of this project is to show students how everyday life at university looks like through the eyes of a student. Project participants are introduced to the university, its structure, study programs of interest and teachers. They attend various lectures, have the opportunity to get acquainted not only with students from other schools, but also with members of the VMU Student Representation, learn about various organizations and future career opportunities. Excursions are organized not only around the university faculties, but also around the city of Kaunas itself. Throughout the week, students are supervised and communicated with by their mentors, who are ready to help, answer all their questions, and show them as many intricacies of student life as possible.
"I liked that in the project I got the opportunity not only to go to the lectures of my chosen study program, but also to participate in various student activities. This experience will be very useful in choosing your future path. I also made new friends, with some of whom I still keep in touch with, says Augusta Račylaitė, an eleventh grader at Kaunas "Varpo" high school. - I can unequivocally say that if I could, I would participate in "Student, be a student" again!
"Student, be a student" will be held on April 9-13. You can register for the project until March 18 (inclusive)! You will find more information and the registration form here.