Represent your faculty in the Student Parliament

From October 22, the collection of signatures for the opportunity to run for the Student Parliament of Vytautas the Great University (VDU) begins. Bachelor students who want to represent their faculty's students in the most important body of VMU Student Representation (SA) must collect 20 signatures of their faculty's students. Master's students should collect 10 signatures, and doctoral students should fill out an application and submit it to the President of VDU SA.
Members of Parliament adopt, supplement and amend the statutes, procedural rules and regulations of VDU SA, consider and approve the activities and financial report of VDU SA, elect and remove the president of VDU SA by secret ballot and resolve other issues affecting VDU students.
At the proposal of the president, the Student Parliament approves student representatives to the VMU Senate, faculty councils, dispute commission and other VMU institutions. Also, the majority of votes of all elected members can demand a re-consideration of the decisions made by the University's self-governing institutions on study issues.
"Each member of parliament must be elected very responsibly," says member of parliament Lina Stumbrytė. "Later on, his voice will become very important not only in the presidential elections, but also in changing the statutes or solving student problems." According to L. Stumbrytė, parliament representatives must be devoted to the university and its members, because that's the only way they will make the right decisions.
Candidates will be able to vote electronically through the Outlook mail system.
Please submit applications to the President of VDU SA by February 22.
For undergraduate students:
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For Master's students:
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For doctoral students:
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