The election of chairpersons of VMU dormitory councils begins

Vytautas the Great University (VDU), guided by Vytautas Magnus University dormitories self-management regulations, announces a competition for the election of chairpersons of dormitory councils.
Living in one of VDU dormitories in Kaunas, the Academy (Kaunas district) or Vilnius and in order to become the chairman of the council of this dormitory in 2019/2020 mm, by m. October 1 must be filled email the application.
In order to become the president of the dormitory councils, it is important to meet the following criteria:
- to study at Vytautas the Great University
- to be motivated
- to plan the activities of the dormitory council for the year
- have experience in social activities
- have experience living in a dormitory
- have no disciplinary action at the university
Election stages:
Phase I – Candidate must submit email the application participate in the competition for the position of Dormitory Council Chairman until 2019. October 1 24 hours
Stage II - Candidates selected by the Student Representation and the Department of Student Affairs are invited to participate in the selection committee meeting.
Stage III – if necessary, to participate in the general assembly of the dormitory residents in the Dormitory Council chairperson elections organized by the Student Representative Office.
A person who wants to become a candidate for the position of chairman of the dormitory council, by filling out email the application must provide:
- personal data
- cover letter
- to present in a descriptive way a short planned annual activity of the Dormitory Council
- submit a Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Dormitory council and its president
We remind you that the chairman of the dormitory council forms the dormitory council and leads it.
The elected president of the dormitory council will be exempted from paying the accommodation fee in 2019/2020 mm (from October 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020)
The purpose of the members of the Dormitory Council is to help the president to implement the following activity goals of the Dormitory Council:
- to represent residents' interests in the university (dormitory) administration
- to represent the requirements of the university (dormitory) administration among the residents
- to foster the integrity of the community of residents
- to carry out social and cultural activities
- to mediate in the solution of problems arising between residents (or between residents and the administration).
The president of the dormitory council is elected every year, at the beginning of the academic year, by the general assembly of residents, after the selection procedures carried out by the university's Student Affairs Department and the Student Representative Office.
More information about the self-government of the dormitory
More information about the elections is provided by:
Department of Student Affairs
- Address S. Daukanto str. 27–210
- Phone (8 37) 327 977
- email post office
- Internet