Candidates for the position of VDU SA president are announced

On March 15, the newly elected Student Parliament will elect a representative of VDU students - the president of VDU SA. Applications for registration as a candidate were submitted by one candidate - Greta Šmaižytė. The annual report and election conference of the current president will be held at 12:00 p.m. in the Small Hall of VDU (28 S. Daukanto St.).
The candidate is currently studying in the fourth year of Career and Professional Counseling, and holds the position of president of the VMU Student Representation. This year, Greta Šmaižytė made the decision to continue the activities she started and thus takes into account two, recent, important goals in her activity guidelines: to purposefully and responsibly represent students in all structural bodies of the university and defend their interests outside the university and to create a stable and reliable organization that maintains its activities continuity.
"For the coming year, I have very clearly chosen two main areas with which the student self-government should work most intensively - the consolidation of higher education institutions and the strengthening of student self-government. I believe that these are the main topics to work on for the coming year. During the consolidation process, it is important to ensure quality studies and all opportunities for VMU students - both current and future, and strong student self-government is the key to successful student representation and the continuity of the organization's high-quality activities", - this is how candidate Greta Šmaižytė writes in her motivational letter about her goals.
This would be the fifth VDU SA president running for a second term in a row. Elections will be held on March 15. 12 o'clock VMU in the Small Hall.
Greta Šmaižytė's activity guidelines and motivation letter can be found below.