The Student Parliament elected the president of VDU SA!

On March 15, the annual reporting - election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office (VDU SA) took place. During it, the SA's annual activity and financial report was presented and the new SA president, Greta Šmaižytė, was elected.
The fourth-year student, elected for the second term, set as the main goals of her activities the purposeful and responsible representation of students in all structural bodies of the university and the protection of their interests outside the university, as well as the creation of a stable and reliable organization that maintains the continuity of its activities.
"There were good and bad things, but we did everything we could," revealed G. Šmaižytė after learning the results of the Student Parliament vote, "I hope that next year we will not only continue the work we have already started, but also resolutely pursue new goals."
During the conference, the VDU SA Board and Audit Commission were also elected. The board will consist of Vytautas Kučinskas, Laurynas Nikelis, Rūta Šerpytytė and Martynas Švarcas, the revision commission - Živile Masytė, Justė Elzbergaitė and Linas Jocas.
"You have really done everything, even more," VMU rector prof. Juozas Augutis, - your maturity and ability to organize are of the highest level. I wish you success in your future work as well!".
The conference was also attended by members of other university municipalities, representatives from the University of Latvia, VMU administration, Vice President of the Lithuanian Student Union (LSS) Viktorija Žilinskaitė and other guests.
The conference was chaired by VDU SA Alumni Paulius Baltokas, secretary Vytautas Kučinskas. The vote counting commission consisted of Vaida Eirošiūtė (chair), Paulius Vaitiekus and Laurynas Samajauskas.