Elections for the chairman of the "Taikos" dormitory council are announced

Tomorrow, November 3rd at 8 p.m. "Taika" dormitory is organizing elections for the chairman of the dormitory council. Dormitory residents are invited to support the candidates and participate in the chairman elections!

Two candidates have been approved for the position of Chairman of the Taika Dormitory Council:

  1. Neringa Ivanauskaite (PMDF. mag. 2nd year);
  2. Lauryns Nikelis (MF, 2nd edition).

According to the Regulations of the Dormitory Self-Government of Vytautas Magnus University, which were approved by the Rector's Order SRT-15/16-065 on 22 October 2015, elections are initiated, organized and conducted by the VMU Student Representative Council. You can read more about the regulations here.

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