Freedom, music and special guests at the century's "Spring Festival".

On May 9-10, Kaunas was filled with a celebration of freedom, music and creativity - the 17th "Spring Festival" took place. At the event organized by the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VDU SA), there were meetings with prominent Lithuanian public figures, there was no shortage of entertainment, and a crowd of thousands of spectators gathered for the closing concert with "Baltuoj Kirus" and other groups.
All events were united by the centenary of the restoration of Lithuania's independence. According to the organizers, freedom is the choice to act the way you want, so the motto of the festival was: you want and you can!
In the "Spring Festival", special attention was also paid to the memory of the partisan leader Adolfos Ramanauskas-Vanagas. In a meeting with his daughter Auksute Ramanauskaite-Skokauskiene, the students learned about the woman's difficult childhood, her relationship with her father and the price of independence. "Freedom should be cherished, because it is not a given. We need to fight for her," said the daughter of the partisan leader.
Festival participants also had the opportunity to hear the stories of ultra-marathoner Aidas Ardziauskas, photographer Monika Požerskytė, host of events Harold Urbonavičius, participants of the "Misija Sibiras" expedition and maestro Donatas Katkaus. The latter spoke about music and its importance in the history of Lithuania: "High culture is the art of personality development, it helps to understand one's inner world."
There was no lack of entertainment at the event: a trampoline, a mini golf course, a climbing wall, VDU AJMD "Modusas" experiments, basketball and table tennis tournaments, a quiet corner - everyone could find an activity they liked. The Yatekomo instant pasta eating competition and the "Ziobarai Quidditch" tournament on Nemunas Island attracted great interest.
On the first evening of the festival, lovers of live music gathered for the acoustic concert "Pavakarys". In it, well-known Lithuanian songs and their own compositions were performed by young and promising artists.
The closing concert in the Town Hall Square was the highlight of the two-day celebration. The groups "41 rusys", "Flash voyage", "jauti", "Abudu" and "Baltasis Kiras" appeared here.
"Finally, what we talked about for so long, prepared for, and worked so hard for, happened: we celebrated the centenary of the restoration of Lithuania's independence the way we wanted! - Dominyka Kurklietytė, the organizer of the event, was happy. - I believe that every participant of the festival was able to release their desires, because the festival was of high quality.
"Spring Festival" is an event organized by VDU SA since 2001, intended for the entire Kaunas community and guests of the city.