Freshmen will go to a traditional camp: many innovations await

The Student Representative Office of Vytautas Magnus University (VDU SA) is organizing the freshman camp "Balanced freshmen 2020" on September 19-20. This year's event is unique not only because of the updated team games, but also because of the theme - freshmen will become participants in the reality show "Survival".

Opportunity to meet students from other faculties

First-year students will be divided into different groups, so they will be able to meet different people - not only their classmates, but also students from other faculties and those studying in their senior years. The camp activities will help them get used to the new university environment and introduce them to the challenges that await them during their studies.

"The first-years will have familiarization and team-building games, meetings with university alumni and, of course, the opportunity to feel the role of the participants of the reality show "Survival", says Monika Terzytė, one of the organizers of the camp.

The camp is not a baptism

The organizers of the camp promise that there will be no bullying at the event: "We want to emphasize that the camp is not a baptism, we do not organize nightmarish or disgusting challenges for freshmen, but we promise that this weekend will be one of the most memorable during the entire study year," says M. Terzytė.

Comfortable living conditions have been created

She also emphasizes that there is no need to worry about living conditions: "Camp participants will be provided with accommodation, so they can leave the tent at home." Each cabin has neat toilets and washrooms. Meals are also included in the participation fee, but you can bring snacks according to your needs. Of course, the list of essential items will be sent to the participants by e-mail. by post."

Considering the current situation due to the COVID-19 virus, all necessary requirements will be met at the camp. During the program, protective masks will be worn, hands and surfaces will be constantly disinfected. Also, classes and activities will be conducted in smaller groups, keeping a safe physical distance.

The registration form can be filled out until September 8th (inclusive). Selected participants will be contacted personally by September 11th at the phone number indicated in the form. 

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