Spring Festival'15

Šiandien tavęs nekantriai laukiame antrojoje “Pavasario festivalio” dienoje, kurioje bus dar daugiau pramogų ir kitokių veiklų!


You can already relax in the Chill zone (Student Square), where you can just relax, play Xbox (kinect) games and listen to good music! (until 18:00)

Nuo 12:00 susitinkame neįprastame projekte “Gyvoji biblioteka”, kurioje galėsi pabendrauti su skirtingas ir labai įdomias gyvenimo istorijas turinčiais žmonėmis! Vieta : Don. 52, 2a. lobby (until 16:00)

Also, at 12:00, don't miss the lecture of the young writer Mantvydas Leknickas. We promise it will be interesting! (VDU Vero cafe basement)


Although the weather is bad outside, grab your friend by the hand and run inside The site of the Central Palace, where there will be a Latin dance class from 13:00! (until 14:00)
Or maybe you want to try your hand at public speaking? We are waiting for you In the auditorium of the Central Palace, kurioje vyks paskaita “Išdrįsk kalbėti” (iki 14:00).
And now rush to Nemunas Island, kur laukia labai labai linksma pramoga “Bubble football” (iki 17:00).
Also from 13:00, Don. 52 lobby there will be a creative workshop where you can learn something new and show off your creativity! (until 16:00)
All to Nemunas Island, where board games are happening now! (until 17:30)
From 16:00 Unity Square the Spring Market will be held (until 18:00).
We'll be doing some wind packing fun at 17:00 and then rocking out at 18:00 at the funniest closing concert of the festival with Bilpan, G&G Syndicate and more! (Unity Square)
Updated: 3:00 p.m

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