Take advantage of the opportunity to become the representative of all VMU students - SA president!

On March 15, the new president of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office (VDU SA) will be elected. Each VMU student who wants to apply for this position must gather the support of fifty students and commit to work honestly and diligently for the benefit of the university and all students.
The president of VDU SA is the head of the representative office, coordinating and planning its activities. The main duties of the president are to represent students in the VMU Rectorate, Senate and University Council. This representative also participates in ethics commissions, convenes VDU SA Parliament meetings and acts on behalf of the entire VDU SA.
"This is an activity that requires a lot of dedication and effort. On the other hand, the opportunity to contribute to significant changes and the understanding that you dedicate your time to ensure that the voice of every VDU student is heard - redeems everything," reveals the current president of VDU SA, Greta Šmaižytė. The girl, who is studying career and professional counseling in her fourth year, is glad that during her tenure she gained a lot of useful experience, learned to solve problems and met a lot of wonderful people.
The candidate for the post of VDU SA president is registered by the chairman of the VDU SA election commission. It is elected by the VMU Student Parliament during the conference. Applicants' applications with the signatures of 50 supporting students, a letter of motivation and operational guidelines should be brought to the Student Representation (S. Daukantu st. 27-202) by March 5, 5 p.m. to the current president - Greta Šmaižyta.
You can find the application by clicking on the link below.