The parliamentarians discussed the updated document

On April 25, at 7 p.m., the Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Student Parliament meeting took place.
During the meeting, the updated Work Regulations were discussed, which were presented by the President of the VMU Student Representation, Emilija Drabužinskaitė. The document was last updated in 2020.
The consideration of the document was moved from the meeting of the reporting conference on March 7 to the next meeting of the parliament. The work regulations contain updated procedures that will help to run the organization's activities more efficiently. The updated document described the functioning of parliamentary committees, a description of the accreditation procedure, and the possibility of moving parliamentary meetings to a virtual environment. Due to bias considerations, according to the updated document, the members of the Board, Audit and VDU SA office cannot be part of the parliament. During the meeting, parliamentarians approved the updated document by joint resolution.
The working regulation is a document that determines the activities and accountability of VDU SA's management bodies, as well as the organization's election procedure.