The candidates for the presidents of the VMU Student Representation have been announced

On March 16, the Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Student Parliament will elect the new president of the VDU Student Representation (VDU SA). Greta Šmaižytė and Arnoldas Borovskis submitted requests to be registered as a candidate for VDU SA presidents. The annual report and election conference of the current president will be held at 12:00 p.m. in the Small Hall of VDU (28 S. Daukanto St.).

"The duties of the president require dedication, responsibility and time, but at the same time it gives invaluable experience. It is good that more than one student put forward their candidacy for the post of VDU SA president in the elections. Competition is a certain impulse to try even harder, prepare and prove the strength of your ideas and aspirations. I believe that any of these candidates will only continue to lead the organization forward. I would like to wish both the members of the Student Parliament who will elect the president and the candidates two things - common sense and rational decisions," said the current president of the Student Representation, Eigirdas Sarkanas.

Both candidates for the presidency spoke about the fact that they accumulated experience and worked long hours in order to have enough competence to occupy the position of the president of the VMU student body, but the goals of the applicants are slightly different.

Greta Šmaižytė promises to pay more attention to social and academic matters: "My and my team's strategy is aimed at a strong organization and representation of VMU students. We will not forget the traditional events, but we want to devote most of our attention and time to social and academic issues. We will strive to make students feel safe during this difficult and stressful period of consolidation. We also want to improve the representation of international students, improve the procedure for awarding tax benefits, and continue to represent the interests of all students, not individuals."

Meanwhile, Arnoldas Borovskis spoke about the representation of student interests and warmer relations with all students in solving their problems: "One of my goals after winning the election is to present VMU Student Representation as an attractive organization for university students in order to fully represent student interests. Together with the team, we want VDU SA to be such an organization that every student facing problems can confidently and willingly turn to, knowing that they will definitely get help and be listened to. This goal arose from the fact that students do not apply to the representative office because they do not believe in the effectiveness of student self-government or simply fear that they may not understand or listen."

On March 7, at 3 p.m., it will be held in the Small Hall of VDU VDU SA presidential candidate debate, where it will be possible to get to know the candidates more closely and ask them questions. The day before the debate, the applicants will submit more precise operational guidelines and motivational letters, which can be found on the VMU Student Representation page.

Since 2014, only one candidate has participated in the elections for the president of the VMU Student Representation. After a break of three years, two candidates seeking to take the post of president wanted to participate in the elections. During the entire period of existence of the Student Representative Office of VMU, it was elected only a few times from two candidates, and there was never a girl in the position of president.

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