The official meeting of the VMU Student Parliament did not take place, but current issues were discussed

May 19 In the Small Hall of Vytautas the Great University, students gathered for the parliamentary session. The official meeting of the VDU Student Parliament did not take place, as the quorum (half of the members of the parliament) did not meet, but the issue of the working groups formed in the parliament and their work was discussed with the assembled parliamentarians, and the recommendation of the VDU SA board regarding the removal of one of the members of the parliament, Justas Ivanauskas, was presented.
Gabrielė Jonuskaitė, the chairwoman of the student parliament, started the meeting and presented the available information about the activities of the working group on declaring a climate emergency at the university. The chairwoman informed that after the meeting held on April 26, the initiator of the group, Žygymantas Menchenkovas, contacted her and informed her about her desire to withdraw from the student parliament. The parliamentarians participating in the meeting agreed to propose to the parliamentarians to vote remotely on the suspension of this working group until the next session of the parliament, then the parliamentarians will be able to decide whether this working group will be renewed.
During the last meeting, a question was presented by Justas Žukauskas and Deimantė Auksinaitė, students of the Faculty of Catholic Theology, regarding the removal of one member from the parliament. By majority of votes, this question, in accordance with the VDU SA statutes, was transferred to the VDU SA Board for discussion and presentation of a proposal for further action in the next parliament. at the meeting. Thus, VDU SA Board member Lukas Gedvila presented the Board's resolution regarding the removal of Justas Ivanauskas from the VDU Student Parliament. Five of the seven members of the board voted in favor of the proposal to remove the MP, two abstained due to the desire to avoid bias. Pursuant to VDU SA Labor Regulation 3.6. point, upon approval by the Board by a majority of 2/3 of all members of the Student Parliament elected to VDU, a member of the VDU SA may lose the status of a member of the VDU SA for failure to fulfill the obligations stipulated in these statutes. The board singled out violations of the Code of Academic Ethics of VDU and the Statutes of VDU SA committed by J. Ivanauskas. You can familiarize yourself with the proposal of the VDU SA Board here.
According to the Statutes of VDU SA, if a quorum is not gathered during the meeting of the Student Parliament of VDU, a new meeting of the parliament must be held within 10 working days after the failed meeting. Due to the repeated convening of the parliamentary session, electronic voting will be held in order to find out whether a live session is necessary or whether current issues can be resolved and voted on.