Students who have tried studies in Lithuania no longer want to go abroad

Discussions about the consolidation of universities and the strengthening of higher education institutions in Lithuania are not silent. Changes are being sought, but more and more graduates are choosing to study abroad. The Student Representative Office of Vytautas the Great University (VDU), in order to show how a student studying in Lithuania lives and feels, traditionally invited 10-12th grade students to experience student life for a week.
This fall, almost 100 students from all Lithuanian schools participated in the project "Students, become a student". They had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the university, its structure, study programs of interest and teachers. Students attended lectures, lived in dormitories, communicated with students and participated in the activities of student organizations.
"A week ago, I didn't think seriously about studying in Kaunas and after finishing school I planned to choose St. Petersburg State University, but after participating in the project I realized that I would rather study at VMU", - Ieva Vengrovskaja, a twelfth grader from Vilnius Vytautas the Great Gymnasium, shared her impressions. The girl was interested in the study program of languages and cultures of East Asian countries.
The project "Student, become a student" will invite the school bench to the university auditorium for a week again in the spring. Anyone who does not know or cannot decide which study program to choose when enrolling in higher education is invited to follow the information VMU Student Representations, in your Facebook account and fill out the participant form.