Lithuanian student certificate (LSP) is the only official document proving student status. It can be purchased by students of all study levels and study forms. Ordering a certificate will be free of charge for first-year students of Vytautas the Great University until October 31.
The LSP is valid for the entire period of study, so after ordering the certificate, you don't have to worry about its validity expiring.With certificate:
You will be able to use the high school library, sports center or other spaces. You will use public transport privileges.
The certificate includes a public transport ticket. For those studying in Kaunas - when ordering, you need to indicate that you want the public transport ticket to be integrated into your certificate. For those studying in Vilnius, the Vilnius city public transport ticket is automatically integrated into the LSP
You will receive various partner discounts.
You can find all the latest information about partner discounts and benefits on the Facebook page to order?1. Registration (3 min.)Register at Be ready to add your passport and ID photos right away.2. Order (10 min.).Upload your ID photo, which will be printed on your LSP, and your ID photo so we can verify your identity.In the My LSP section, select Order LSP. Specify the address where you want to receive a new LSP. Make the payment online, and before clicking the "Order" button, make sure that your data is correct. (VDU first-year students do not need to pay).3. Production takes up to 14 working days.When your LSP is produced, you will receive a confirmation that the certificate is ready. The duration of the LSP production process depends on the intensity of the orders. The sooner you order the LSP, the sooner it will be in your hands! LSP can now be collected in the most convenient way for you - by post machine, courier or collection point. All the necessary information can be found is also a frequently asked questions section where you can find the right answer for you
The project "Students, become a student" (MPS) organized by Vytautas Magnus University's (VDU) Student Representation (SA) invites students to experience student life. in 2023 during the activities that will take place on February 20-24, students in grades 10-12 will have the opportunity to try out the desired VMU study program and university, get to know teachers and students, and gain invaluable experience before becoming a student. During the project, students from various…
March 10 the report-election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office (VDU SA) will be held, during which the Student Parliament will elect a new VDU SA president, audit commission and board for a one-year term. Those who wish to become a member of the board, until March 6. at 5 p.m. must submit a completed application and motivation letter by e-mail by mail To encourage and inspire students to run for the Board, the current…
November 24 (Thursday) at 7 p.m. the newly elected VMU Student Parliament will gather for its first meeting, which will be held in auditorium 101 at 28 S. Daukanta Street. The sittings of the Parliament are open, so everyone can come to this sitting. Meeting agenda: 1. Registration of participants. 2. Opening of the meeting of the VMU Student Parliament. 3. Elections of the chairman of the meeting of the VMU Student Parliament. 4. VMU Student Parliament meeting...
On March 7, the report-election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VDU SA) took place. During it, annual activity, financial, Audit and Board reports of VDU SA were presented. A new VDU SA Board, Audit Commission was elected, Emilija Drabužinskaitė, a bachelor student of the Faculty of Social Sciences, was elected as the president of VDU SA for the second term. At the beginning of the conference, the president of VDU SA, Emilija Drabužinskaitė, presented the annual activities...
After two years of quarantine and distance learning, we are back to face-to-face learning and live audiences and accounts. In order to ensure academic integrity during the session, the VMU Student Representation organizes examination monitoring during the session and invites students to monitor the settlements. Academic affairs coordinator Gustė Žukauskaitė reminds that everyone who enters a higher education institution and signs a study contract that...
Academic integrity is one of the most frequently heard phrases when it comes to reckoning. It is during them that VDU Students' Representative Office (VDU SA) organizes examination observations, in which all students who wish can become observers. Academic integrity is a concept that is very often used in higher education. Its main essence is compliance with the VMU Code of Ethics. According to VDU SA academic affairs coordinator Vitalija Jakubaitytė, academic dishonesty...