Creative partnerships
Are we born creative? Or can creativity be learned like math and physics formulas? What are the ways to develop creativity in schools? How can artists, representatives of creative fields contribute to this process? What results can atbring a partnership between schools and cultural institutions? What is the place of imagination and creativity in these times of new technologies and the proliferation of images?
Many questions related to creativity and its development will be answered by the third forum for developing creativity "Creative Connections", which will be held on October 22-23.
The Educational Development Center invites you to it, which has been implementing the creative learning program "Creative Partnerships" in Lithuanian schools for the fourth year. Lecturers from Lithuania and abroad will give presentations and invite to discussions during the two-day forum.
Creativity researcher Professor James S. Caterall (USA) will talk about teaching art and creativity.
Paul Collard, who initiated the "Creative Partnerships" program in the United Kingdom, will share ideas about the creative school, non-traditional learning methods and competencies that students require in today's world.
The philosopher, writer and translator Kristupas Sabolius will reveal the connection between knowledge, creativity and imagination in the age of technology.
During the educational exercises, film director Tomas Smulkis and geologist Simon Saarmann will explore whether geology and film editing can help to perceive oneself as a part of the environment and history. In other exercises, through dance, movement and graphic design, it will be possible to experience in practice what creativity is, to explore the relationship between the body and science.
During the forum, research will also be presented, showing how creativity learning is changing today's school, what influence teachers and students have on teachers and professionals who lead classes in various creative fields. In a special space, the participants of "Creative Partnerships" will share their personal experiences, video presentations of projects developed during the implementation of the program and screenings of short films will be held.
The forum "Creative Connections" will be held at the Panorama Hotel (Sodų st. 14, Vilnius) on October 22-23 from 9 a.m. Registration will take place until October 15.
Forum program and registration: