Blood donation campaign
The National Blood Center and VMU SA invite you to become a blood donor and contribute to saving many lives. ONE DONOR'S BLOOD CAN SAVE THE LIVES OF 3 PATIENTS! The campaign will take place at Vytautas Magnus University (Donelaičio 52) in the first floor lobby. From 10 am to 3 pm. All those who donate blood will receive commemorative gifts. Do not remain indifferent and contribute to the campaign! More information:
Is it possible to get infected when donating blood?
Blood is collected in sterile, disposable plastic bags, and instruments and work tools are used only once, so there is not even the slightest risk of infection during blood donation.
How to prepare for blood donation?
Blood donors can be healthy individuals aged 18 to 65 who do not suffer from chronic cardiovascular diseases or diabetes.
A person who wants to donate blood must have an identity document with them.
The human body mass must be at least 50 kilograms.
Before donating blood, the donor must be well rested, have a light meal, and drink plenty of fluids – mineral water, juice.
The day before donating blood, it is recommended not to eat fatty, spicy foods (fatty meat, herring, fried potatoes, grated potato dishes, chips, mayonnaise, spicy sauces, onions, garlic) and it is necessary to drink enough fluids.
It is recommended not to smoke on the day of blood donation.
The blood donation procedure lasts from 6 to 15 minutes. The standard physiological dose of donor blood is 450ml. Such doses are taken in blood centers all over the world, because they do not harm human health.
Another 15-20 ml of blood is taken for testing.
Recommendations after donating blood.
After the procedure, a sterile pressure bandage is applied to the site of the vein puncture, which cannot be removed for 2 hours and cannot be moistened.
After blood is drawn, the person should rest for 10 to 15 minutes.
It is advised not to exercise on the day of blood donation.
The intervals between blood donations must be at least 60 days.
Is blood donation harmful to health?
It really doesn't hurt!
Lithuanian blood centers constantly monitor and evaluate donor health indicators. Long-term experience in Lithuania and other countries shows that regular blood donation does not negatively affect donor health.
Blood donations stimulate bone marrow function and strengthen a person's immunity.