March 10 a new beginning for the VMU Student Representative Office, the organization's president and governing bodies have been elected

March 10 the report-election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office (VDU SA) was held. During it, annual activity, financial, Board and Audit reports of VDU SA were presented. A new VDU SA Board, Audit Commission, and president of the organization were elected.
After the conference started and the agenda was approved, Ieva Vengrovskaja, president of VDU SA, presented the annual activity and financial reports of her previous term. The guests of the conference and members of parliament had questions about the work done by the president and the team, the failures the organization faced and the newly achieved goals.
The chairwoman of the Audit Commission, Joana Gasiulytė, presented the Audit Commission's annual report and comments and recommendations for the ongoing activities of the organization, their implementation and the use of financial resources. All three reports were approved by the resolution of the Student Parliament.
The annual report of the VDU SA Board was also presented at this conference for the first time. It was submitted by the Chairman of the Board, Solveiga Skaisgirytė. The board is happy that it had even 17 meetings during the term. During the report, the areas that were worked on this term were presented: streamlining the activities of the Board, increasing the efficiency of the activities of the VDU Student Parliament, VDU SA Alumni integration, team supervision, changing the statutes and work regulations, and recommendations for the future Board were presented. This report was also approved by the resolution of the Student Parliament.
After the approval of the reports, the presidential election followed. The candidate for the position of VDU SA president Emilija Drabužinskaitė presented her operational guidelines, the future VDU SA Office and answered the questions of students about the integration of ŽŪA students, the changes planned by the organization, the integration of students into management bodies, the integration of foreigners and others.
During the conference, the candidates for VDU SA Board of Directors introduced themselves and answered questions: Arnoldas Borovskis, Lukas Gedvila, Gabija Paškevičiūtė, Kotryna Rajeckaitė, Emilija Talutytė, Viktorija Zaveckaitė, Gustė Žukauskaitė.
During this conference, the VDU SA Audit Commission was also elected. These positions were sought by: Titas Zaikauskas, Rusnė Rimkevičiūtė, Toma Rasiukevičiūtė, Santa Vozbutaitė, Viktorija Čepaitė, Ieva Vengrovskaja, Erika Dervinytė, Gabrielė Šturmaitė, Gabrielė Jonuskaitė.
After counting the parliamentary votes, the following were elected to the Audit Commission of VDU SA: Ieva Vengrovskaja, Erika Dervinytė, Gabrielė Šturmaitė, Santa Vozbutaitė, Rusnė Rimkevičiūtė. Ieva Vengrovskaja became the Chairman of the audit.
Board members became: Kotryna Rajeckaitė, Arnoldas Borovskis, Viktorija Zaveckaitė, Gustė Žukauskaitė, Lukas Gedvila, Emilija Talutytė.
Emilija Drabužinskaitė was elected as the new President of VDU SA (25 for, 1 against, 7 abstentions).
33 members of the parliament participated in the presentation of the report of the VMU Student Representation and the election session of the student parliament. The meeting was chaired by Justas Paulikas, the former chairman of the Kaunas branch of the Vilnius University Student Representation. The secretary of the meeting was Jan Subotovič - Alumni of the Klaipėda State College Student Representation.
You can watch the entire report-election conference of VDU SA here.