How do students evaluate VMU's social environment?

In March of this year, the Student Representation of Vytautas the Great University (VDU SA) initiated A study of the social environment of VMU, during which the aim was to find out how VMU students feel, what shortcomings they notice and what problems they face at the university. 499 students from all academic departments completed the questionnaire.
The majority of students rated the social environment at the university as very good or good. 25 students expressed the opposite opinion. As many as 351 TP3T respondents answered that they have encountered at least one social problem. The most common are cases of intolerance both on the part of teachers and administration, and on the part of students (131 speakers). 83 students experienced or observed bullying by faculty/administration or other students. 49 students said that they had noticed or experienced psychological violence from the teacher or the administration, 23 students had to experience the same violence from other students. Faced with a social problem in the university environment, 119 students did not turn to anyone.
When asked to comment in more detail, several dozen students said that teachers, especially those who teach foreign languages, mock them or behave in a judgmental manner when a student has difficulty communicating in a foreign language. Part of the students gave a negative feedback about the work of the administration as well, claiming that the employees work dismissively and do not try to help.
More than half of the respondents answered that they had experienced great anxiety and severe stress due to studying at the university. About 30% students who filled out the questionnaire have felt a long-lasting bad mood or fear. Almost half of the students did not know that the university provides free psychological help.
"The results of the survey showed that the majority of students experience emotional stress, but do not go anywhere or do not know that the university provides free psychological counseling," says Ieva Vengrovskaja, coordinator of the social affairs committee of VDU SA. - For these reasons, we will try to contribute to publicizing the activities of the VMU Psychology Clinic, so that students who are worried, stressed or just want to talk to someone, know where to find people ready to help."
More than half of the students who filled out the questionnaire are working. Most of them claimed to be working because work is their main source of income. 101 students noted that incentive scholarships also help to make a living. However, almost 50% respondents said that the information about scholarships and financial benefits provided by the university is not clear enough for them.
Most of the students who answered the questions in the questionnaire said that there is a lack of recreation areas and places where you can buy a hot lunch or warm up your own food in the university environment.
Almost half of students living in dormitories claimed to be only partially satisfied with their living conditions. The biggest inconveniences are caused by slow internet connection, noise and low temperature in the rooms.
Ieva Vengrovskaja says that the results of the questionnaire clearly showed what actions the Student Representation should take in order to make students feel better at VMU: "We will start with infrastructure changes. Plans are currently underway to create more spaces for students to rest and eat. Also, we sent a request to the rector of the university for a free water machine in the library of L. Donskis."
The coordinator of the Social Affairs Committee also reveals that students from abroad who fill out the questionnaire hope that the university will organize more activities that will help them integrate more successfully into the VMU community: "We aim to improve cooperation with Erasmus Student Network (ESN) mentors, contribute to the organization of joint activities, in order to create better relations between foreign and Lithuanian students."
Most of the students who filled out the questionnaire study at the Faculty of Humanities (93 students), the Faculty of Social Sciences (86 students), the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy (61 students) and the Academy of Agriculture of VMU (57 students). 781 TP3T respondents study in bachelor's study programs, 181 TP3T in master's study programs, 1.6 % are doctoral students, 2.41 TP3T are integral law studies students.
If you notice any problem in the university environment, please contact VDU SA or report it anonymously VDU SA page.