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Kurso seniūnas – kas tai ir kodėl verta juo tapti?

Course elder - what is it and why is it worth becoming one?

In the first month of the autumn semester, Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office (VDU SA) and VDU Freshman Mentors organize the elections of the first-year Elders of each study program. Also, senior students who don't have an elder or want to change one can choose one. The election of elders is held until September 16. An elder is a study program course representative who represents the interests of fellow students,...

Kviečiame tapti studentų atstovu VDU Senate

We invite you to become a student representative in the VMU Senate

The Student Representative Office of Vytautas the Great University (VDU SA) announces the election of student representatives to the highest self-governing institution of the University - the Senate of the University of Vytautas the Great. Students who want to become members of the VMU Senate, until September 11. 23:59 you must submit personal information and a motivational letter here: All candidates will be contacted on September 12. The Senate is a collegial institution of management of academic affairs of the university...

22 savaitės ir 22 VDU SA darbai

22 weeks and 22 VDU SA works

After the election of the president of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office (VDU SA), more than five months passed, which were full of a variety of work, from editing various documents related to study conditions and involvement in working groups to organizing the Spring Festival and raising the competencies of members. Elected for the second term, Ieva Vengrovskaja and the team she assembled share in 22 weeks...

Oficialus VDU Studentų parlamento posėdis neįvyko, tačiau buvo aptarti einamieji klausimai

The official meeting of the VMU Student Parliament did not take place, but current issues were discussed

May 19 In the Small Hall of Vytautas the Great University, students gathered for the parliamentary session. The official meeting of the VDU Student Parliament did not take place, as the quorum (half of the members of the parliament) did not meet, but the issue of the working groups formed in the parliament and their work was discussed with the assembled parliamentarians, and the recommendation of the VDU SA board regarding the removal of one of the members of the parliament, Justas Ivanauskas, was presented. The meeting…

Ketvirtadienį vyks VDU Studentų parlamento posėdis

The meeting of the VMU Student Parliament will be held on Thursday

Thursday, May 19, at 5 p.m. The meeting of the VDU Student Parliament will be held in the Small Hall of VDU (28 S. Daukanta Street). Parliamentary meetings are open to the public. Agenda of the meeting: VMU Student Parliament is the highest governing body of students, which consists of representatives elected by students from faculties and academies and all study levels. In the parliament, student representatives...

Pavasario festivalis 2022 kviečia sprogdinti aplinkoje esančius burbulus

Spring Festival 2022 invites you to burst the bubbles in the environment

The Spring Festival is an event organized for the 21st time by the Student Representative Office of Vytautas the Great University, intended not only for VMU, but also for the entire Kaunas city community. The slogan of this year's festival "Let's burst the bubbles!" invites us to pause and critically evaluate the information around us, because it is not always correct or presented from different perspectives. Therefore, on May 11 and 13...

VDU Mažojoje salėje vyko VDU Studentų parlamento posėdis

A meeting of the VMU Student Parliament was held in the VMU Small Hall

April 26 at the meeting of the Student Parliament of VDU, the questions raised by the students regarding the discussion of the study settlement assessment and the correction of the assessment procedure of the appeal commission were discussed. Also, the question was returned to clarify the need for the establishment of the VMU Social Fund, and the question about the removal of the parliamentarian was raised. The issue of the VMU social fund was discussed. Emil Starodubov was interested in how much is available...

Parlamentarai svarstė atnaujintą dokumentą

The parliamentarians discussed the updated document

On April 25, at 7 p.m., the Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Student Parliament meeting took place. During the meeting, the updated Work Regulations were discussed, which were presented by the President of the VMU Student Representation, Emilija Drabužinskaitė. The document was last updated in 2020. The consideration of the document was moved from the meeting of the reporting conference on March 7 to the next meeting of the parliament. The work regulations contain updated procedures,…

VDU Studentų parlamentas rinksis į posėdį

The VMU Student Parliament will gather for a meeting

April 26 at 2 p.m. Members of the Student Parliament of Vytautas the Great University (VDU) will gather for a meeting. The meeting will be held live, in the Small Hall of VDU (28 S. Daukant Street). Parliamentary meetings are open to the public. Agenda of the meeting: The VMU Student Parliament is the highest student governing body, which consists of representatives elected by students from faculties and academies and all...

Sesijos metu vyks egzaminų stebėjimas

Examination monitoring will take place during the session

After two years of quarantine and distance learning, we are back to face-to-face learning and live audiences and accounts. In order to ensure academic integrity during the session, the VMU Student Representation organizes examination monitoring during the session and invites students to monitor the settlements. Academic affairs coordinator Gustė Žukauskaitė reminds that everyone who enters a higher education institution and signs a study contract that...