Youth Business Office information about youth projects
Name of the project: "Orphans in my lens"
Project dates: 04.25-05.02 2014; (travel dates can be combined - extra days are reserved in Istanbul or similar)
Project location: Aydin, Turkey (;
Number of participants: 6 participants;
Age of participants: 16-26 years;
Amount of money paid by the participant: 452 LTL
Name of the project: Future Will Come With Employment"
Project dates: 04.25-04.30 2014; (travel dates can be combined - extra days are reserved in Istanbul or similar)
Project location: Diyarbakir, Turkey (;
Residence: Hotel;
Number of participants: 2 participants;
Age of participants: from the age of 18;
Amount of money paid by the participant: 470 LTL
The amount of money paid by the participant- this sum includes 30 % travel expenses to the project site and back. This is the total amount paid by the project participant, accommodation, food and activity expenses during the program are paid by the host organization in Turkey, as the project is carried out under the "Active Youth" program. In addition, you need to take money for free time (as needed), souvenirs (as needed).
The projects are based on the methodology of non-formal education and intercultural learning. During the projects, there will be short lectures, creative activities and tasks, active activities, simulation games, intercultural and social evenings, excursions around the local area and other activities.
If you are interested or have questions, write to: aplease call +37061246871
In order to register, you need to send the following data: first name, last name, date of birth, city of residence, phone number. no., e-mail mail and the project you want to go to.
Priority is given to the person or group who answered the fastest and expressed their desire to go to the project.
[gview file=””] [gview file=” /uploads/2014/04/Aydin-kvietimas.pdf”] [gview file=””] [gview file= ””] [gview file=” /wp-content/uploads/2014/04/JVB-ammintine-keleautajui-i-Turki.pdf”]