The VDU Student Parliament discussed the upcoming parliamentary elections and student representatives in the VDU Senate

September 15 The parliamentarians gathered for the remote Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) Student Parliament meeting discussed the election of student representatives in the VDU Senate and the new temporary VDU Student Parliament election procedure. 5 new senators were elected by electronic voting and the election procedure was approved.
At the beginning of September, elections to the VDU Senate were publicly announced. 8 students expressed their desire to apply. The VMU Senate is the highest self-governing body of the university, which currently has 9 student representatives out of 14 possible. The candidates who participated in the parliamentary session had the opportunity to present to the parliamentarians, and all the members of the parliament could get acquainted with the motivational letters submitted by the candidates. In the electronic voting that took place after the meeting, 5 new members of the Senate were elected from different study levels. Bachelor students Emilija Drabužinskaitė and Monika Ražauskaitė, master students Liucija Daraškaitė and Austėja Kasiliauskaitė and PhD student Aurelija Ramanauskaitė.
During the meeting, the president of VDU SA, Ieva Vengrovskaya, presented the temporary election procedure of the VDU Student Parliament. It is almost unchanged from last year: the temporary election procedure, introduced during the pandemic, when applications and voting take place online, is much more efficient and simpler than the elections described in the statutes. procedure, therefore this practice will be relied on during these elections as well.
The meeting also discussed the issue of the emergency situation of climate change in the parliament. Speaker of the Parliament Gabriele Jonuskaitė shared that the working group assembled to examine this issue was ineffective, and no specific solutions were found to address the issue itself. It was proposed not to raise this issue for the next meeting.
This was the last meeting of the 2021-2022 mm VDU Student Parliament (unless unforeseen and urgent issues arise). Elections for the new parliament are scheduled for October.