The position of the VMU Student Representation regarding the consolidation of higher education institutions

To the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania J. Petrauskiene
To the members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
for the conference of rectors of Lithuanian higher schools
Conference of Directors of Lithuanian Colleges
Lithuanian Students' Union
The Student Representation of Vytautas Magnus University supports the resolution of the Seimas regarding the optimization of the network of higher education institutions. Seeing discussions, disagreements and even conflicts not only between the Government and the academic community, but also between different academic communities regarding the plan for the optimization of higher education institutions proposed by the Government, we agree and are happy that the resolution passed by the Seimas allows for the consolidation of the network in a democratic way, involving the entire academic community. We also believe that this adopted plan will force and encourage higher education institutions to refine their study programs and this will be a step forward in order to become either more specialized higher education institutions with specific directions, or to join other higher education institutions.
Optimization of study programs is one of the most important stages of the entire consolidation process. The duplication of the same or similar programs in different universities leads to the fragmentation of the quality potential of higher education. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to start evaluating the existing study programs more strictly, thus leaving only the most high-quality ones. However, this must be done purposefully, with a clear vision of the direction of the higher education institution. It must be remembered that a large part of study programs is duplicated in colleges as well. Therefore, they must be optimized comprehensively, leaving and selecting only the programs with the best potential and maintaining the divide between university and college education. Current and future Lithuanian students seek quality studies, but not all higher education institutions currently operating in Lithuania can guarantee this.
The consolidation process must take place together with the members of the higher education communities participating in it, thus seeking compromises and joint solutions. On December 19, 2016, the Lithuanian Students' Union organized an Alma Mater conference on the topic "Consolidation of Higher Education Institutions", during which a representative of the Study Quality and Evaluation Center (SKVC) presented examples of foreign countries where optimization of the higher education network was carried out. Looking at the experience of Denmark and Norway, it was observed that it is necessary to encourage higher education institutions to initiate changes themselves and to want them, and together with the state's financial and human contribution to create added value for the state, and to clearly determine the period when the changes must be implemented.
The Student Representation of Vytautas Magnus University supports the consolidation of Lithuanian higher education institutions and agrees that the pursuit of competitive and quality education is the right of all people. We believe that by working together and cooperating, decisions can be made that bring benefits to academic communities and strengthen the quality of Lithuanian higher education.
Greta Šmaizytė