"VDU made me understand that I am the blacksmith of my own life..."

Energetic, emotional, sensitive to the environment, but has difficulty concentrating - this is how he describes himself Jacob Nosov, better known in the dance world due to his flexibility by the nickname Zmej (Russian: “snake”). A fourth-year political science student at Vytautas Magnus University, who previously tried his luck at the Lithuanian University of Sports in the specialty of sports recreation and tourism, Jokūbas nevertheless found himself in dance. Now Jokūbas is one of the teachers at the dance center “In Beat”. But about everything – from the beginning.


Why did you choose to major in politics?

I was encouraged to choose this specialty by a friend who, as it turned out later, is a much stronger politician than I am. Maybe I should have stayed with sports recreation and tourism, but… Politics because I got tired of being to be fooled. It was annoying to see, hear, but not understand. Politics makes you interested, which is definitely a good thing. And what is politics anyway? When I started, I thought that it was the voting procedures of Seimas members, and most importantly, most people think so! However, politics is necessary in life - I think that politics is a very valuable specialty for any person.

Why did you choose VMU? What has this university given you as a person?

I wouldn’t say that only political science gave me courage. On the contrary, dance is my courage, but during my studies, my other talents also emerged, such as eloquence and a sense of direction in conversation and discussion. I had several truly inspiring lectures at the university: social psychology with V. Legkauskas, political philosophy with R. Bulotas, and, of course, lectures by J. Greenspon. I could also mention the activities of Prof. E. Aleksandravičius and the “Santara-Šviesa” club, which inspired me to learn more and teach others.

When did you become interested in dance?

I became interested in dancing when I broke up with my girlfriend and “the sky was falling”. I sat at home, played “Final Fantasy X-2” and gained weight… On Friday evenings from 6 pm. Kaunas club “Ex-It” held “Junior parties”. That’s where my talent for excellent imitation, copying movements, frolicking and similar antics was revealed, and after all, all that is needed for a dancer. However, in the beginning, my brother and the “In Beat” team encouraged me the most, who push'ino (English "pushing") me. No one forced us, we just went to the dance hall together and I liked it, hooked.

And now you are one of the teachers at the dance center "In Beat". What is dance to you? Why did you choose it, and not music or art?

I didn't choose dance, it chose me. Let's say I broke both legs and had to sit in a wheelchair for a year. I drew, maybe I would make music or even sing. I didn't choose dance, but Hip-Hop culture. Hip-Hop encompasses everything: music, dance, art, singing, even speaking - that's what I do. This culture feeds the poor, and the rich want to eat it because it's delicious and generous. A person who comes to a Hip-Hop event once often gets hooked for the rest of his life.

So what is hip hop?

Hip-Hop is about peace, love, unity and, most importantly, a good time… If that’s not comprehensive, ask these people: James Brown (aa), Afrika Bambaataa, Paul Skee, GRLA. The latter is Lithuanian and once informally explained to me about the importance of Hip-Hop’s sense of authenticity and the dissemination of the right attitude towards this culture.

What is the best thing about being a dance teacher?

The best feeling is when you see your students win competitions. It's even more fun when they just travel, chill'ina (English "relaxing") or dancing with you. It's best to see them radiating the same light that you radiate to them.


And what do you learn from yourself?

From the environment, nature, elements, space, books, movies, or from my dad. But I probably take most of it from people's stories. Still

Just follow your heart. Do what you want, and if you don't like something, don't do it. Obey the Universe and smile at the world!

Karolina Paškevičiūtė

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