Elections of presidents and general meetings will be held in VMU dormitories

With another academic year in full swing, new presidents will be elected in the dormitories and meetings will be organized with representatives of the administration of Vytautas the Great University (VDU) and the Student Representative Office (SA).
The election of the president is important for every resident of the dormitory, because the president of the dormitory legally represents the interests of the residents and mediates between the residents and the university (dormitory) administration in solving various problems.
During the meetings, all candidates for this position will be introduced, who will have the right to introduce themselves to the participants of the meeting and answer all the questions. Each resident of the dormitory has the right to vote and can vote for the candidate of their choice.
If only one student applied for the position of chairman and he was selected according to ,,VDU Dormitory Self-Government Regulations", he is appointed to the position of chairman without convening a meeting, by the decision of the director of the Student Affairs Department (SRD) and with the approval of the SA president. The SA, SRD and the chairman himself inform the residents publicly about the appointed chairman.
"Every resident of the VDU dormitory should participate in the general meetings," says Ieva Vengrovskaja, coordinator of the social affairs committee of the VDU SA, "during them, not only will new presidents of the dormitory be elected or introduced, but students will also have the opportunity to express their current problems and discuss future plans to the representatives of the administration." "
Meetings in the dormitories will take place:
Dormitory no. 1
October 10
at 3 p.m. Dormitory room inspection.
6 p.m. General meeting of residents with VDU administration and VDU SA. Introduction of the new president of the dormitory, Rūtenis Triabas.
Dormitory no. 2
October 17
at 3 p.m. Dormitory room inspection.
6 p.m. Dormitory President elections (candidates – Naveed Ah Fareedzai, Ozod Khonberdiyev) and a general meeting of the dormitory residents with VDU administration and VDU SA.
Dormitory no. 3
October 23
at 3 p.m. Dormitory room inspection.
at 5 p.m. General meeting of dormitory residents with VDU administration and VDU SA. Introduction of the new president of the dormitory, Domantas Stanis.
Dormitory no. 4
October 16
at 3 p.m. Dormitory room inspection.
6 p.m. General meeting of dormitory residents with VDU administration and VDU SA.
Dormitory no. 5
October 15
at 3 p.m. Dormitory room inspection.
6 p.m. General meeting of dormitory residents with VDU administration and VDU SA.
Dormitory no. 6
October 23
11 o'clock Dormitory room inspection.
7 p.m. General meeting of residents with VDU administration and VDU SA. Introduction of the new president of the dormitory, Greta Juodkaitė.
Dormitory no. 7
October 14
at 3 p.m. Dormitory room inspection.
6 p.m. General meeting of dormitory residents with VDU administration and VDU SA.
Dormitory no. 8
October 21
at 3 p.m. Dormitory room inspection.
6 p.m. General meeting of dormitory residents with VDU administration and VDU SA. Introduction of the new president of the dormitory, Šarūnas Juzelskis.
Dormitory no. 10
October 22
at 3 p.m. Dormitory room inspection.
6 p.m. General meeting of dormitory residents with VDU administration and VDU SA.