The premiere of the film about the first rector of the restored VMU A. Avižienis will take place at the university

For everyone interested in history, movies and more!

On Monday, October 28, at 5 p.m., the premiere of the documentary film "Algirdas Avižienis - Odyssey of Life" will take place in the VMU Small Hall (S. Daukanto St. 28).

The film by director Arvydas Barys tells the story of the first rector of the restored VMU, the recognized scientist Prof. Algirdas Avižienis. The film was presented in July 2012 to commemorate the professor's 80th birthday at the VMU Kaunas Botanical Garden.

The university community, Kaunas residents, and city guests are invited to attend the film premiere.


Prof. A. Avižienis, who served as a member of the VMU Reconstitutive Senate, subsequent Senates and University Councils, is an active, internationally recognized scientist whose improved architecture of fault-tolerant computers is widely used worldwide today. His conceptual drawings helped create the self-healing computer STAR (Self Testing And Repairing), the principles of which are still used in NASA spacecraft, passenger planes, nuclear reactors, Earth satellites, etc.

In Lithuania, A. Avižienis significantly contributed to the restoration of VMU, which he headed in 1990–1993. Thanks to the professor, VMU became the first university in the country to implement a liberal, Western-based science and study system. The title of Honorary Professor of VMU was awarded to A. Avižienis in 1994. For his services to Lithuania in 1998, he was awarded the Order of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas, 3rd degree. At the end of June 2012, Prof. A. Avižienis was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Anykščiai District.

While living in the USA, Prof. A. Avižienis was an active member of the Lithuanian community in the USA and the Lithuanian Scouts Union, and in 1967 he organized the first Lithuanian Science and Creativity Symposium in Chicago.

Prof. A. Avižienis is Professor Emeritus of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Vytautas Magnus University, a Foreign Member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, a member of the International Federation of Informatics (IFIP), one of the founders of the Czesław Miłosz Birthplace Foundation and its current director.

In 2012, Prof. A. Avižienis was awarded the prestigious Eckert-Mauchly Prize in the United States for his significant contribution to fault-tolerant computer architecture and computer arithmetic, and the Jean-Claude Laprie Award for Reliability of Computer Systems. In Kaunas, the scientist was awarded the first degree "Santaka" honorary badge for his lifetime scientific merit.

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