VMU students had a meaningful time on International Students' Day

On November 17, the International Student Day was celebrated not only at Vytautas the Great University (VDU), but also throughout Kaunas. On this day, the VDU Student Representation carried out an initiative during which students could replace university administration employees, and after a four-year break, the student community of the city of Kaunas was united by a student festival organized by VDU, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuanian Sports University (LSU) and Kaunas College. (KK) Student representatives.
VMU students took the positions of rector, vice-rector of studies, vice-rector of communication, director of administration, chancellor of the Academies of Agriculture and Education, director of the student affairs department, director of the marketing department and dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology during the International Student Day.
Vytenis Danielius, a student of the Academy of Music who took over the position of VMU rector Juozas Augutis for one day, says that he was always curious about how the rector's day looks like: "I used to see how he runs around and seems to be in several places at the same time." This day gave the interim TSD rector many impressions: "I felt strong trust - they left me an office, an assistant, a secretariat, everyone asked me questions."
Laurynas Samajauskas, who has taken the position of director of administration, is taking advantage of this opportunity for the second time and is happy about the returned initiative: "It is a great and rare opportunity to see the processes taking place inside the university, for students to touch the processes and work performed by employees in the highest positions, to experience and understand how much students invisible work is performed by the administration in order to achieve efficient university and study activities."

Meanwhile International Student Day (ISD) the festival featured activities that involved everyone, from school children to adults. Students had the opportunity to visit higher education institutions and get to know them better. The aim was to set the record for the longest letter, students and residents of the city of Kaunas were invited to write a wish addressed to the University of Lithuania, whose centenary we will celebrate next year. Students also took part in creative workshops, a game evening, a discussion by rectors of LSU, VDU, KTU, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LSMU), KK and Kaunas Technical College (KTK) about their study times. All activities were crowned by a free closing concert, where the performer Jorigė performed with her band, the groups Sidabro, Pack of Nails and Baltasis Kiras.
Joana Gasiulytė, one of the initiators of the event, coordinator of the VDU SA Organizational Affairs Committee, is happy with the event and hopes that it will be the beginning of a new tradition that will unite Kaunas students every year.
This year, the International Student Day was distinguished by returning initiatives. VDU SA is happy about the revived, perhaps already forgotten activities, and hopes that next year more students will be interested in the opportunity to take the chair of the university's government for one day, and the entire student body of Kaunas and Lithuania will celebrate their holiday together.