The Student Parliament elected a new VDU SA president, board and revision commission

The 2020-2021 term was approved at the report-election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representative Office (VDU SA) held on March 12. the organization's activity and financial reports and a new VDU SA president, audit commission and board were elected.
The conference was opened by the president of VDU SA, Paulius Vaitiekus, the rector of VDU, prof. Juozas Augutis and the director of the Department of Student Affairs, Mantas Simanavičius. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU SA) Alumni Dominykas Tvaska was unanimously elected chairman of the conference, VDU SA office administrator Matas Čepurna as secretary.
The first item on the agenda regarding the formation of the VDU SA direct presidential election working group was resolved without further discussion. It was decided to convene a working group that will analyze this issue and present its proposals to the Student Parliament.
VDU SA President P. Vaitiekus presented the 2020-2021 academic year. activity and financial reports of the organization. The audit commission presented the evaluation of the activities and finances of VDU SA. After the question session, the reports of both the operational, financial and audit commissions were approved.
The Student Parliament heard the presentations of the candidates for the post of VDU SA president and could ask their questions. This year, two candidates - Žygymantas Menchenkovas and Ieva Vengrovskaja - sought the position of head of the organization.
8 persons applied for the board of VDU SA: Daniel Mačichin, Erika Sinkevičiūtė, Gustė Žukauskaitė, Gintarė Jurelytė, Martynas Vitkus, Solveiga Skaisgirytė, Tadas Petrulis and Laurynas Samajauskas. Rytis Sidarevičius, Aleksas Vilkas, Aistė Bielevičiūtė, Greta Šmaižytė, Gabrielė Rimaitė, Santa Vozbutaitė, Gabrielė Jonuskaitė and Vaida Eirošiūtė nominated themselves for the revision commission.
The Student Parliament elected Ieva Vengrovskaja as the new president of VDU SA, who received 38 votes (Žygymantas Menchenkovas received 11 votes).
D. Mačichin, G. Žukauskaitė, G. Jurelytė, M. Vitkus, S. Skaisgirytė and L. Samajauskas were elected to the board of VDU SA. To the revision commission - G. Šmaižytė, R. Sidarevičius, A. Vilkas, S. Vozbutaitė, V. Eirošiūtė.
At the end of the meeting, MP Martynas Butkus presented a resolution on the model of state-supported loans. It was decided that members of the parliament will get acquainted with the document after the conference and present their opinion.