Students are invited to register for courses for the spring semester

From January 22 until January 28 the first one starts registration for studies subject lectures, seminars and laboratory work for the 2017/2018 mm spring semester. Registration will take place only electronically by logging in to VMU Student self-service portal.
Email is required for connection. e-mail Microsoft Outlook login name and password. If a student does not have his profile with a login name and password or has forgotten his password, he must contact the Student Center: email by post, by phone: (8-37) 751 175 or by coming to S. Daukanto st. 27, room 206. You can find more detailed information about registering for courses in the SSP User Guide for Students.
The registration rules are intended for:
- For full-time undergraduate and full-time students;
- Permanent study forms for master's students;
- Permanent forms for students of professional studies;
- For listeners;
- For visiting students.
Important information
Students and listeners who have registered for compulsory or elective lectures of Group C must also register for their seminars and laboratory works by choosing a specific group. The total scope of the subject in credits is indicated at the subject lecture (lecture + laboratory works; seminars).
Regarding registration in foreign languages:
- students of full-time bachelor's and full-time studies I and II years, who started studying English at the University from a level higher than A1, must reach the C1 level of academic English;
- full-time bachelor's and integrated studies students who started studying English at A1 level or entered the University in 2015 and earlier must reach the B2 level of academic English;
- from the foreign language subgroup, the student must choose at least 12 credits and no more than 24 credits for language learning;
- languages are paid and free; the list of free languages is approved by order of the rector. If students register for paid language subjects, they must provide a certificate of available free language credits or pay the prescribed fee (2 BSI per 6 credits) before the end of registration;
- students who have registered for a paid foreign language subject, but have not paid for the study of the subject or have not submitted a certificate of available free credits for language studies, are withdrawn from the study of the subject after the first month of the semester, calculating the used tuition fee.
Before registering for study subjects, each student, creating an individual study plan, must choose subjects to study during the semester, the volume of which must be at least 24 and no more than 36 credits. It is recommended that the total amount of credits for one study year should be 60 credits. If a student is studying in parallel or individual studies, the volume of study subjects per semester cannot exceed 42 credits.
Stages of registration for study subjects
First stage
Main registration for full-time undergraduate and full-time students and nrock forms of study for master's students to study subjects lectures, seminars and laboratory works take place from non January 22 10 o'clock until January 28 24 hours.
The second stage
Final revision of subject registration, deleting subjects you don't want to study and enrolling in subject lectures, seminars, laboratory work, where the remaining free places are held from February 1 10 o'clock until February 11 24 hours. (nrocky form for undergraduate and integrated studies students, nformal study forms for master's students, nrocky forms for students of professional studies, kfor listeners, vfor prospective students).
The following priority criteria are applied at both stages of registration for lectures, seminars, and laboratory work:
- Advanced course (preference is given to advanced course students);
- Grade point average of the last semester (preference is given to students with a higher grade point average, first-year students - entrance competitive score).
During registration, each student must check:
- whether according to your priorities you got into the number of places allocated for the subject;
- whether other students with higher priorities "pushed" him out of his registered subject.
A high-priority student cannot "crowd out" a lower-priority student enrolled in the first stage in the second stage. Please note that a student who withdraws from the subject registered in the first stage will not be able to get to the same place during the second stage if he wants to re-register for the subject from which he withdrew.
You must follow your registration queue in the list of each subject during both stages, because if during registration you remained outside the registration limit of the subject (NO is visible next to your surname), it is possible that after some time, while registration is in progress, you will enter the subject - next to your surname will be YES.
At the end of the registration stage I, subjects of groups A and B may be deleted and study subjects of group C may be selected, in which few students will be registered. Please follow the announcements after the first stage of registration.
Registration for study subjects Rules for the 2017/2018 mm spring semester.
More information
[contacts]VMU Department of Studies
Phone | (8 37) 323 599
Address| S. Daukant st. 27, LT-44249 Kaunas
email mail |[/contacts]