It is possible to retake the exam twice

The new version of the Study Regulations was approved at the Senate meeting held on June 26. In it, the point about the number of retakes of exams remained unchanged - Vytautas Magnus University (VDU) students will be able to retake exams twice (the second retake is paid for).
After deciding to edit the VDU Study Regulations, the question arose whether students really need a second retake of the exams. The university administration said that there are not many students who would take the opportunity to retake the exam a second time and it is not fair to students who were ready for the settlement immediately or for whom one retake of the exam was enough.
VMU Student Representation (SA) no. m. June 7 published the survey "Do you need a second retake of the exams?". 838 students participated in it. 78.91 TP3T respondents said that a second retake of the exams is necessary. The vast majority of students indicated that they are often unable to take the exam for justifiable reasons, so there are only retakes. In addition, those who took part in the survey said that a busy exam schedule, stress or other factors do not always allow you to properly prepare for the exam, so the second overtime is like a "fuse".
"First of all, the students' opinion needed to be represented in the rector's office, where there was a lot of discussion about whether the second adjournment is really necessary," says VDU SA president Paulius Vaitiekus. - The results of the student survey were an important argument, so the chance to retake the exams twice was approved at the rector's meeting. The Senate also approved the version of the Study Regulations, which provides for a second postponement."
VDU Study Regulations state: "A student or student who has failed an exam or received a negative final evaluation of a study subject has the right to retake the exam once free of charge. A student or student who has failed the exam or received a negative final evaluation of the study subject has the right to repeat the exam once for free and retake it a second time for a fee."