Candidates for the board of VDU SA are announced

March 12 11 o'clock the report-election conference of the Vytautas Magnus University Student Representation (VDU SA) will take place. During it, a new VDU SA president, board and revision commission will be elected. 8 candidates expressed their desire to become a member of the board.
The board of VDU SA is a strategic management body of the representative office. The Board resolves the most important issues related to VDU SA's strategy, operational guidelines, finances, parliamentary elections and others specified in the organization's Statutes. The board consists of 6 members and the president of VDU SA, according to the positions held.
In 2021, candidates for the board of VDU SA are:
- Daniel Machichin
- Erika Sinkevičiūtė
- Gustė Žukauskaitė
- Gintarė Jurelytė
- Martynas Vitkus
- Solveiga Skaisgirytė
- Tad Petrulis
- Laurynas Samajauskas
Presentations of the candidates and the question session will take place during the report-election conference. It will also present the annual activity and financial report of VDU SA, and resolve other issues on the agenda.